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[英]selecting data using pandas

I have a large catalog that I am selecting data from according to the following criteria: 我有一个很大的目录,可以根据以下条件从中选择数据:

columns = ["System", "rp", "mp", "logg"]
catalog = pd.read_csv('data.txt', skiprows=1, sep ='\s+', names=columns)

i = (catalog.rp != -1) & (catalog.mp != -1)

new_catalog = pd.DataFrame(catalog[i])
print("{0} targets after cuts".format(len(new_catalog)))

When I perform the above cuts the code is working fine. 当我执行上述切割时,代码工作正常。 Next, I want to add one more cut: I want to select all the targets that have 4.0 < logg < 5.0 . 接下来,我要添加一个剪切:我想选择所有4.0 < logg < 5.0的目标。 However, some of the targets have logg = -1 (which stands for the fact that the value is not available). 但是,某些目标的logg = -1 (表示该值不可用的事实)。 Luckily, I can calculate logg from the other available parameters. 幸运的是,我可以根据其他可用参数来计算logg So here is my updated cuts: 所以这是我最新的削减:

i = (catalog.rp != -1) & (catalog.mp != -1)
if catalog.logg[i] == -1:
    catalog.logg[i] = catalog.mp[i] / catalog.rp[i]
i &= (4 <= catalog.logg) & (catalog.logg <= 5)

However, I am receiving an error: if catalog.logg[i] == -1: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() 但是,我收到一个错误: if catalog.logg[i] == -1: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() if catalog.logg[i] == -1: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong and how I can fix it. 有人可以解释我做错了什么以及如何解决。 Thank you 谢谢

Edit 1 编辑1

My dataframe looks like the following: 我的数据框如下所示:

Data columns:
System           477  non-null values
rp               477  non-null values
mp               477  non-null values
logg             477  non-null values
dtypes: float64(37), int64(3), object(3)None

Edit 2 编辑2

 System  rp  mp  logg   FeH  FeHu  FeHl  Mstar  Mstaru  Mstarl  
0  target-01  5196     24     24  0.31  0.04  0.04  0.905   0.015   0.015   
1  target-02  5950    150    150 -0.30  0.25  0.25  0.950   0.110   0.110   
2  target-03  5598     50     50  0.04  0.05  0.05  0.997   0.049   0.049   
3  target-04  6558     44     -1  0.14  0.04  0.04  1.403   0.061   0.061   
4  target-05  6190     60     60  0.05  0.07  0.07  1.194   0.049   0.050   


[5 rows x 43 columns]

Edit 3 编辑3

My code in a format that I understand should be: 我理解的格式的代码应为:

for row in range(len(catalog)):
    parameter = catalog['logg'][row]
    if parameter == -1:
        parameter = catalog['mp'][row] / catalog['rp'][row]
    if parameter > 4.0 and parameter < 5.0:
        # select this row for further analysis

However, I am trying to write my code in a more simple and professional way. 但是,我正在尝试以更简单和专业的方式编写代码。 I don't want to use the for loop. 我不想使用for循环。 How can I do it? 我该怎么做?

EDIT 4 编辑4

Consider the following small example: 考虑以下小示例:

System     rp   mp    logg
target-01  2    -1     2     # will NOT be selected since mp = -1
target-02  -1    3     4     # will NOT be selected since rp = -1
target-03  7     6     4.3   # will be selected since mp != -1, rp != -1, and 4 < logg <5
target-04  3.2    15    -1   # will be selected since mp != -1, rp != -1, logg = mp / rp = 15/3.2 = 4.68 (which is between 4 and 5)

you get the error because catalog.logg[i] is not a scalar,but a series,so you should turn to vectorized manipulation: 因为目录.logg [i]不是标量,而是一个序列,所以会出现错误,因此应转向向量化操作:

catalog.loc[i,'logg'] = catalog.loc[i,'mp']/catalog.loc[i,'rp']

which would modify the logg column inplace 这将修改logg列

As for edit 3: 至于编辑3:

rows=catalog.loc[(catalog.logg > 4) & (catalog.logg < 5)]

which will select rows that satisfy the condition 这将选择满足条件的行

Instead of that code: 代替该代码:

if catalog.logg[i] == -1:
    catalog.logg[i] = catalog.mp[i] / catalog.rp[i]

You could use following: 您可以使用以下命令:

i &= df.logg == -1
df.loc[i, 'logg'] = df.loc[i, 'mp'] / df.loc[i, 'rp']
# or
df.ix[i, 'logg'] = df.ix[i, 'mp'] / df.ix[i, 'rp']

For your edit 3 you need to add that line: 对于您的编辑3,您需要添加该行:

your_rows = df[(df.logg > 4) & (df.logg < 5)]

Full code: 完整代码:

i = (catalog.rp != -1) & (catalog.mp != -1)
i &= df.logg == -1
df.ix[i, 'logg'] = df.ix[i, 'mp'] / df.ix[i, 'rp']
your_rows = df[(df.logg > 4) & (df.logg < 5)]


Probably I still don't understand what you want, but I get your desired output: 也许我还是不明白你想要什么,但是我得到了你想要的输出:

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

data = """
System     rp   mp    logg
target-01  2    -1     2     
target-02  -1    3     4     
target-03  7     6     4.3   
target-04  3.2    15    -1   

catalog = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep='\s+')
i = (catalog.rp != -1) & (catalog.mp != -1)
i &= catalog.logg == -1
catalog.ix[i, 'logg'] = catalog.ix[i, 'mp'] / catalog.ix[i, 'rp']
your_rows = catalog[(catalog.logg > 4) & (catalog.logg < 5)]

In [7]: your_rows
  System   rp  mp    logg
2  target-03  7.0   6  4.3000
3  target-04  3.2  15  4.6875

Am I still wrong? 我还是错吗?

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