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具有依赖于复选框值的可为空依赖属性的 WPF UserControl

[英]WPF UserControl with nullable dependency property dependent on checkbox value

I'm trying to create a custom UserControl that displays the properties of a complex object as a form.我正在尝试创建一个自定义 UserControl,它将复杂对象的属性显示为表单。 Additionally, if the user unchecks a checkbox in the header of the UserControl, the value of the dependency property should be null (but the form values should stay displayed, even if the form is disabled) - and vice versa.此外,如果用户取消选中 UserControl 标题中的复选框,则依赖项属性的值应为 null(但表单值应保持显示,即使表单被禁用) - 反之亦然。

I'm working with two dependency properties of type ComplexObject on the UserControl - one is public (this will be bound to by the client), another is private (its properties will be bound to the internal controls in the UserControl):我正在 UserControl 上使用两个 ComplexObject 类型的依赖属性 - 一个是公共的(这将由客户端绑定),另一个是私有的(其属性将绑定到 UserControl 中的内部控件):

    public ComplexObject ComplexObject 
        get { return (ComplexObject )GetValue(ComplexObjectProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ComplexObjectProperty, value); }

    private ComplexObject VisibleComplexObject 
        get { return (ComplexObject)GetValue(VisibleComplexObjectProperty); }
        set { SetValue(VisibleComplexObjectProperty, value); }

Now I'm struggling with a binding between those two, so that CompexObject becomes either VisibleComplexObject or null based on the checkbox value.现在我正在努力解决这两者之间的绑定问题,以便 CompexObject 根据复选框值变为 VisibleComplexObject 或 null。 This should also work the other way.这也应该以另一种方式工作。 I've tried to solve this using DataTriggers in the Style of the UserControl, but was unable to do so:我尝试使用 UserControl 样式中的 DataTriggers 解决此问题,但无法这样做:

    <Style TargetType="local:CheckableComplexTypeGroup">
        // 'CheckableComplexTypeGroup' TargetType does not match type of the element 'UserControl'

Using <local:CheckableComplexTypeGroup.Style> instead of <UserControl.Style> didn't work either.使用<local:CheckableComplexTypeGroup.Style>而不是<UserControl.Style>也不起作用。

Are there any other suggestions?还有其他建议吗? Or maybe another way of doing this?或者也许是另一种方式来做到这一点?

Finally I've solved this without using plain old event handlers instead of binding/triggers.最后,我在不使用普通旧事件处理程序而不是绑定/触发器的情况下解决了这个问题。

CheckableComplexObjectGroup.xaml: CheckableComplexObjectGroup.xaml:

<UserControl Name="thisUC" ...>
        <CheckBox Name="cbComplexObject" 
                  IsChecked="{Binding ElementName=thisUC, Path=ComplexObject, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource nullToFalseConv}}"
                  Checked="cbComplexObject_Checked" Unchecked="cbComplexObject_Unchecked"/>

CheckableComplexObjectGroup.cs: CheckableComplexObjectGroup.cs:

public static readonly DependencyProperty ComplexObjectProperty =
                                    new PropertyMetadata(null));
private static readonly DependencyProperty VisibleComplexObjectProperty =
                                    new PropertyMetadata(new ComplexObject()));


protected override void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Property == ComplexObjectProperty)
        if (null != e.NewValue)
            VisibleComplexObject = ComplexObject;


private void cbComplexObject_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    ComplexObject = VisibleComplexObject;

private void cbComplexObject_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    ComplexObject = null;

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