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Javascript / jquery-在标签的特定位置换行

[英]Javascript/jquery - Wrap text with tag at specific position

I have some text: 我有一些文字:

<p>hello world. This is a test paragraph.</p>

I want to add an <em> tag at start positions and </em> at end positions giving us: 我想在开始位置添加<em>标记,并在结束位置添加</em>以便于我们:

  <em>hello</em> world. This is a <em>test</em> paragraph.

I have a list of start and end positions 我有一个开始和结束位置的清单

<lst name="offsets">
  <int name="start">0</int>
  <int name="end">5</int>
  <int name="start">22</int>
  <int name="end">27</int>

Is there an easy way of doing this? 有一个简单的方法吗?

Here is how I did it (slight modification of the answer): 这是我的操作方式(答案的轻微修改):

var p = doc+=" "//document.querySelector("#content"),//I added a space to the end of the document because if we try to wrap the em tags around the word we are looking for and it is at the end of the document then it gives us undefined.
    textArray = p.split('');
    //offsets = [{ start: 0, end: 5 }, { start: 22, end: 27 }];

    offsets.forEach(function (offset) {    
    textArray[offset.start] = '<em>' + textArray[offset.start];
    textArray[offset.end] = '</em>' + textArray[offset.end];

document.querySelector("#content").innerHTML += textArray.join('');
document.querySelector("#content").innerHTML += "<hr>";

Here is a simple example that doesn't require jQuery. 这是一个不需要jQuery的简单示例。

Example Here 这里的例子

Start with an offset array of objects to determine the start / end values. 从对象的offset数组开始,以确定start / end值。

  { start: 0, end: 5 },
  { start: 22, end: 27 }

Then iterate over the offset array: 然后遍历offset数组:

 var p = document.querySelector('p'), textArray = p.innerText.split(''), offsets = [{ start: 0, end: 5 }, { start: 22, end: 27 }]; offsets.forEach(function (offset) { textArray[offset.start] = '<em>' + textArray[offset.start]; textArray[offset.end] = '</em>' + textArray[offset.end]; }); p.innerHTML = textArray.join(''); 
 <p>hello world. This is a test paragraph.</p> 

If you would like to parse the list elements in order to create the offset array: 如果要解析列表元素以创建offset数组,请执行以下操作:

Example Here 这里的例子

 var p = document.querySelector('p'), textArray = p.innerText.split(''), offsets = []; Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('lst > int[name="start"]'), function (el) { offsets.push({start: el.innerText, end: el.nextElementSibling.innerText}); }); offsets.forEach(function (offset) { textArray[offset.start] = '<em>' + textArray[offset.start]; textArray[offset.end] = '</em>' + textArray[offset.end]; }); p.innerHTML = textArray.join(''); 
 <p>hello world. This is a test paragraph.</p> <lst name="offsets"> <int name="start">0</int> <int name="end">5</int> <int name="start">22</int> <int name="end">27</int> </lst> 

Would it be better to list the particular words you want to change? 列出要更改的特定单词会更好吗?

 var arr = ["hello", "test"]; $('p').html(function(i,html) { return html.split(/\\s+/).map(function(u,j) { return arr.indexOf(u) > -1 ? '<em>' + u + '</em>' : u; }) .join(' '); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <p> hello world. This is a test paragraph. </p> 

You can loop over the <lst> you've provided like this: 您可以像这样遍历提供的<lst>

//as we insert tags, the length of our string will change.  we need a counter and an offset to track that
var counter = 0;

//loop over each start tag in the list
$('lst[name="offsets"] int[name="start"]').each(function() {

    //get the start tag
    var startValue = $(this);
    //get the next tag, the end tag
    var endValue = startValue.next();
    //convert the start tag's text to an int
    var startInt = parseInt(startValue.text());
    //convert the end tag's text to an int
    var endInt = parseInt(endValue.text());

    //load the paragraph's html
    var str = $('p').html();

    //offset length of inserted string, e.g. "<em></em>" means 9 characters are insearted each time this loop runs
    var offsetOpen = (counter * 9); 
    //offset the closing tag by the length of the start tag
    var offsetClose = offsetOpen + 4; 

    //insert the start tag at the right position
    $('p').html([str.slice(0,startInt + offsetOpen), "<em>", str.slice(startInt + offsetOpen)].join(''));

    str = $('p').html();

    //insert the closing tag at the right position
    $('p').html([str.slice(0,endInt + offsetClose), "</em>", str.slice(endInt + offsetClose)].join(''));

    //increment the counter


You can see it working at this JS Fiddle: 您可以在JS Fiddle中看到它的工作原理:

https://jsfiddle.net/jqzrovoh/3/ https://jsfiddle.net/jqzrovoh/3/

Hope that helps! 希望有帮助!

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