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[英]Reading File into Vector Delimited by Comma and New Line

Say that I want to read in a .txt file and is formatted in such a way 假设我要读取.txt文件并以这种方式设置格式


Here is the code I am using to 这是我正在使用的代码

  1. Read in the file. 读入文件。
  2. Store it into a vector of string and int (For names and years respectively) 将其存储到string和int的向量中(分别用于名称和年份)

     void calcAges(){ while (getline(infile, line, ',')){ names.push_back(line); years.push_back(line); } } void printNames(){ cout << "\\n\\tDisplaying data...\\n"; for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++){ cout << (i + 1) << ".\\tName: " << names[i] << "\\tYear: " << years[i] << endl; } } 

Output should look like: 输出应如下所示:

1.    Name: Max    Year: 1979
and so on...

However, I'm having trouble trying to make it so the file I read into my "infile" split at both a comma and a new line. 但是,我在尝试创建它时遇到了麻烦,因此我读入“ infile”的文件以逗号和换行符分隔。 I am storing these variables into a vector array so I can sort and switch later on. 我将这些变量存储到向量数组中,以便稍后进行排序和切换。 I am stumped at this point. 在这一点上,我很沮丧。

The new line is considered as a normal character once you have given ',' as delimiter. 给定','作为分隔符后,新行将被视为普通字符。 So use getline() without specifying a delimiter (default is new line) and try to extract the name and year from the string you have obtained. 因此,请使用getline()而不指定分隔符(默认为换行符),然后尝试从获取的字符串中提取名称和年份。 It can be done pretty easily using find_first_of() and substr() 使用find_first_of()substr()可以很容易地完成它

Example: 例:

     int index = str.find_first_of(',');
     string name = str.substr(0,index);
     string date = str.substr(index+1);
      // Do something with name and date


A StringStream is much more powerful when it comes to these kind of operations. 当涉及到此类操作时, StringStream的功能要强大得多。 However, in your case (which is considered rather simple) you can get away with simple operations on strings. 但是,在您的情况下(这被认为很简单),您可以通过对字符串的简单操作来摆脱困境。 I would suggest reading each line into your temp string then split it on the comma and add the values into your vectors, something like the following: 我建议将每一行读入您的临时字符串,然后在逗号上将其分割,然后将值添加到向量中,如下所示:

void calcAges(){
    while (getline(infile, line)){  // Read a whole line (until it reads a '\n', by default)
        names.push_back(line.substr(0,line.find(",")); // Read from the beginning of the string to the comma, then push it into the vector
        years.push_back(std::stoi(line.substr(line.find(",") + 1)); // Read from the comma to the end of the string, parse it into an integer, then push it into the vector

I'm assuming that you're using std::string from the <string> library as the type for your line variable. 我假设您正在使用<string>库中的std::string作为line变量的类型。

I didn't compile and test this by the way, so I'm not sure it would work as is, but I wrote it just to give you an idea about the logical approach 我并没有进行编译和测试,所以我不确定它是否可以正常工作,但是我写它只是为了让您对逻辑方法有所了解

Cheers 干杯

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