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[英]struts2 radio button id attribute value is changing dynamically

I have a javscript function where I need to check whether any of radio buttons are checked or not. 我有一个脚本功能,需要检查是否选中了任何单选按钮。 I am doing with id attribute. 我正在使用id属性。

<s:radio id="gender" name="bean.gender" list="#{'male':'male','female':'female'}"/>

and in javascript am checking like this: 并在javascript中进行如下检查:

if (radVal(document.forms[0].gender) == "") {
    alert("enter gender");
    return false;

function radVal(radName) {
    var radioVal = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < radName.length; i++) {
        if (radName[i].checked) {
            radioVal = radName[i].value;
    return radioVal;

and in runtime am seeing the id as 'gendermale' and 'genderfemale', so am unable to get the proper id. 并且在运行时将ID视为“ gendermale”和“ genderfemale”,因此无法获取正确的ID。

Since every id in a page must be unique, and the <s:radio> tag is generating multiple HTML tags, it is generating multiple id s; 由于页面中的每个id都必须唯一,并且<s:radio>标记正在生成多个HTML标记,因此它会生成多个id ;因此,

the real mistake however is that you are looping through radio buttons like if they would be checkboxes, while they're not. 但是,真正的错误是,您正在单选按钮之间进行循环浏览,就像它们是否是复选框一样,而不是。

Radio buttons allows only one choice . 单选按钮仅允许选择一种

Take the element by name and read the value, to get the selected one, or empty if none is selected. 按名称获取元素并读取值,以获取所选元素;如果未选择任何元素,则为空。

Normally you could use dot notation ( . ) 通常您可以使用点符号.


but since your name has a dot in it, you must use the other syntax ( [""] ): 但是由于您的名字中带有点,因此必须使用其他语法( [""] ):


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