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[英]d3.js and multidimensional array

I have a multidimensional array with objects that looks like this 我有一个多维数组,对象看起来像这样

 var nest = [
{key: 'VLan422', values:[[{Class:"VMWARE VIRTUAL PLATFORM",name: "pdb02"},{"Ip Adress": 'IP_1',ip4: '1.3242.3'},{name: 'VLan422'}], 
                        [{Class: "VMWARE VIRTUAL PLATFORM",name: "pxc07"},{"Ip Adress": 'IP_1',ip4: '21.35666.1'},{name: 'VLan422'}]]
{key: 'VLan33', values:[[{Class: "VMWARE VIRTUAL PLATFORM",name: "pew09"},{"Ip Adress": 'IP_1',ip4: '5.24232.6'},{name: 'VLan33'}], 
                        [{Class: "VMWARE VIRTUAL PLATFORM",name: "plk15"},{"Ip Adress": 'IP_1',ip4: '2.77888.9'},{name: 'VLan33'}]]}

I'm trying to create 我正在尝试创建

  • for every key a svg object, in this case 2, for Vlan422 and Vlan33 , 对于每个key ,每个svg对象(在本例中为2)对于Vlan422Vlan33
  • for every value block an image svg, which should be in the corresponding svg key object. 对于每个值块,一个图像svg,应位于相应的svg键对象中。

My problem is, that d3 creates an image for every value block of my two keys in both svg objects, instead of only an image for every value block of the corresponding key. 我的问题是,d3为两个svg对象中我的两个键的每个值块创建一个图像,而不是仅为对应键的每个值块创建一个图像。

var div = d3.select("body")
    .attr("width", "100%")
    .attr("height", "700");

var svg = div.selectAll("svg")
    .attr("width", "100%")
    .attr("height", "1500")
    .style("float", "left");


    test = nest[i].values;

    var imgs = svg.selectAll("image")

        .attr("xlink:href", "http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/4/5/a/1331068897296558865Sitting%20Racoon.svg")
        .attr("x", "40")
        .attr("y", function(d,i){console.log(d);console.log(i);var x = (i + 1) * 50; return (""+x+"");})
        .attr("width", "100")
        .attr("height", "100");


here's what I'm intended to get as result 这就是我想要得到的结果

Link 链接

I want for both object key a svg container and inside of them, for every array an image. 我想要对象既是svg容器,又是其中的对象,对于每个数组都需要一个图像。 My code creates those two svg container, but instead of creating only images of the corresponding key Object inside of them, it shows me every array. 我的代码创建了这两个svg容器,但是它不仅向我显示了每个数组,而且还没有在其中创建相应对象的图像。

For example in my first svg, I get four images instead of two 例如,在我的第一个svg中,我得到了四个图像,而不是两个

  • pdb02, pxc07, pew09, plk15 pdb02,pxc07,pew09,plk15

and in my second svg I get the same result instead of 在第二次svg中,我得到的结果是相同的,而不是

  • pew09, plk15 pew09,plk15

I've solved my problem by using the g element 我已经通过使用g元素解决了我的问题

  var cmargin = 30; var cheight = 60; var cwidth = 40; var svg=d3.select("body").append("svg") .attr("width", "100%") .attr("height", "100%"); var container=svg.selectAll("g") .data(nest) .enter() .append("g") .attr("transform",function(d,i) {return "translate("+(100*i)+",0)";}); container .append("rect") .attr("x",cmargin) .attr("y",cmargin) .attr("width",cwidth-2*cmargin) .attr("height",cheight-2*cmargin) container .append("text") .attr("y",cheight+10) .attr("x",cmargin) .text(function(d) {return d.key;}); container.selectAll("image") .data(function(d) {return d.values}) .enter() .append("svg:image") .attr("xlink:href", "http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/4/5/a/1331068897296558865Sitting%20Racoon.svg") .attr("x", "40") .attr("y", function(d,i){console.log(d);console.log(i);var x = (i + 1) * 50; return (""+x+"");}) .attr("width", "100") .attr("height", "100"); 

To get each value of array as svg object, you need to get each value of array and add it to svg.data(test).You can obtain test value as below. 要将数组的每个值作为svg对象,您需要获取数组的每个值并将其添加到svg.data(test)。您可以按以下方式获取测试值。

      test = nest[i].values[j][k].Number;//will get each object value.

       var imgs = svg.selectAll("image")
       rest of the code here......


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