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[英]How to create DataGridTextColumn of DataGrid dynamically and bind it?

I have two properties: 我有两个属性:

  • public ObservableCollection<Object> HeaderOfDataGrid {get; set;}
  • public Observablecollection<Object> BodyOfDataGrid {get; set;}

Is it possible to bind HeaderOfDataGrid property to DataGridTextColumn ? 是否可以将HeaderOfDataGrid属性绑定到DataGridTextColumn Yeah, I know that it is possible by binding like that: 是的,我知道可以这样绑定:

   <DataGridTextColumn Header="Name" Binding="{Binding Name}"/>
   <DataGridTextColumn Header="Surname" Binding="{Binding Surname}"/>
   <DataGridTextColumn Header="Phone" Binding="{Binding Phone_Number}" />

However, HeaderOfDataGrid property can have 'Count' equals 700 and I need to show all 700 items of collection HeaderOfDataGrid in DataGridTextColumns of DataGrid . 但是, HeaderOfDataGrid属性的“计数”等于700,我需要在DataGridTextColumnsDataGrid显示集合HeaderOfDataGrid所有700个项目。 So, I need to create 700 DataGridTextColumns based on HeaderOfDataGrid property(collection). 因此,我需要基于HeaderOfDataGrid属性(集合)创建700个DataGridTextColumns Also, if Count of HeaderOfDataGrid property is 700, then BodyOfDataGrid property also has the same Count (for example, 700). 另外,如果HeaderOfDataGrid Count属性为700,则BodyOfDataGrid属性也具有相同的Count (例如700)。 So using hard-coded xaml is not convenient to me. 因此,使用硬编码的xaml对我来说并不方便。

I know I can bind this way: 我知道我可以这样绑定:

<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Body, Mode=TwoWay}"/>

But it is not what I want as I would like to renamed headers located in Header property. 但这不是我想要的,因为我想重命名Header属性中的标头。

How to implement binding and creating without hard-coded xaml to DataGridTextColumn ? 如何在没有将xaml硬编码到DataGridTextColumn情况下实现绑定和创建?

You can't have it both ways. 您不能同时拥有这两种方式。 If you want to rename the headers, you'll have to code it manually; 如果要重命名标题,则必须手动对其进行编码。 otherwise you do it automatically and use what it gives you. 否则,您会自动执行并使用它所提供的功能。

You may be able to set up a style, where the header is bound to a property of the underlying object. 您可能可以设置样式,其中标题绑定到基础对象的属性。 In that case it may work, but your BodyOfDataGrid would have to contain a Header property 在这种情况下,它可能会起作用,但是您的BodyOfDataGrid必须包含Header属性

What I've found to do is to create DataTable and bound it to DataGrid : 我发现要做的是创建DataTable并将其绑定到DataGrid


<DataGrid Name="dataGrid" />

Code behind: 后面的代码:

    public MainWindow()

    DataTable employeeDataTable = new DataTable();

    private void PopulateDataGrid()
        var _ds = new DataSet("Test");

        employeeDataTable = _ds.Tables.Add("DT");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)//create columns
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)//fill data to rows
            var theRow = employeeDataTable.NewRow();
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                if (j == 0)
                    theRow[j] = (i + 1);
                if (j % 2 == 0)                    
                    theRow[j] = "a";  
                    theRow[j] = "b";
        dataGrid.ItemsSource = employeeDataTable.AsDataView();

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