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Laravel Blade - 通过@include或@yield传递变量

[英]Laravel Blade - pass variable via an @include or @yield

I need to pass a variable to an included Blade file. 我需要将变量传递给包含的Blade文件。 I have attempted this two-ways; 我试过这两种方式; however, neither have been successful. 然而,两者都没有成功。

  1. Pass a variable, title , to the included file: 将变量title传递给包含的文件:

     @section('left') @include('modal', ['title' => 'Hello']) @stop 
  2. Use @yield and set the section: 使用@yield并设置部分:

     @section('left') @include('modal') @section('title') Hello @stop @stop 

I am using Laravel 4.2. 我正在使用Laravel 4.2。 I am unaware if what I am trying to do is possible, but I imagine it is. 我不知道我想做什么是可能的,但我想是的。

According to the documentation , the include -way should be the way to do it: 根据文档include -way应该是这样做的方式:

Including Sub-Views 包括子视图


You may also pass an array of data to the included view: 您还可以将数据数组传递给包含的视图:

@include('view.name', array('some'=>'data'))

My hunch is that $title is conflicting with another variable in your nested templates. 我的预感是$title与嵌套模板中的另一个变量冲突。 Just for troubleshooting, try temporarily calling it something else. 只是为了排除故障,尝试暂时将其称为其他内容。

pass an array of data to the included view 将数据数组传递给包含的视图

@include('view.name', array('some'=>'data'))

then use this on view/name folder 然后在view / name文件夹上使用它

{{ $some }}

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