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[英]How to asynchronously consume a WCF Data Service using paging with BeginExecute in UWP

I have a WCF Data Services service and its methods return Queryable lists. 我有WCF数据服务服务,其方法返回Queryable列表。

Using a Java library, I could consume it with client-side paging (using top and take ). 使用Java库,我可以在客户端分页中使用它(使用toptake )。

Now I intend to consume it with an UWP application. 现在,我打算通过UWP应用程序使用它。

Unfortunately the following code does not work: 不幸的是,以下代码不起作用:

var result = client.CreateQuery<Information>("GetInformation")
             .AddQueryOption("id", string.Format("'{0}'", actualId))

I get this exception: 我得到这个例外:

This target framework does not enable you to directly enumerate over a data service query. 此目标框架使您无法直接枚举数据服务查询。 This is because enumeration automatically sends a synchronous request to the data service. 这是因为枚举自动将同步请求发送到数据服务。 Because this framework only supports asynchronous operations, you must instead call the BeginExecute and EndExecute methods to obtain a query result that supports enumeration. 因为此框架仅支持异步操作,所以必须改为调用BeginExecute和EndExecute方法以获得支持枚举的查询结果。

As I had to use BeginExecute , I can no longer use Skip and Take . 由于必须使用BeginExecute ,因此不能再使用Skip and Take

var query = client.CreateQuery<Information>("GetInformation")
                  .AddQueryOption("id", string.Format("'{0}'", actualId));
query.BeginExecute((x) =>
            var result= query.EndExecute(x);
            foreach (var information in result)

          }, null);

How should I do it with this asynchronous method? 我应该如何使用这种异步方法呢?

I was having the same problem but with OData. 我在使用OData时遇到了同样的问题。 I found the solution in the next blog http://jqyblogger.blogspot.com/2013/11/linq-query-error-message-on-windows.html and basically we need to use the asyncronus tools for OData. 我在下一个博客http://jqyblogger.blogspot.com/2013/11/linq-query-error-message-on-windows.html中找到了解决方案,基本上,我们需要对OData使用asyncronus工具。

            Default.Container context = new Default.Container(new Uri("url_to_OData_Service"));
        var nquery = context.Reports
                               .Where(r => r.ReportId == 1)
                               .Select(p => p);

        DataServiceQuery<Report> query = (DataServiceQuery<Report>)nquery;

        TaskFactory<IEnumerable<Report>> taskFactory = new TaskFactory<IEnumerable<Report>>();
        IEnumerable<Report> result = await taskFactory.FromAsync(query.BeginExecute(null, null), iar => query.EndExecute(iar));

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