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[英]How can I handle the access-token in devise_token_auth

I am trying to create an API for an application (both in Rails), but I have many doubts regarding authentication through an API. 我正在尝试为应用程序(都在Rails中)创建API,但是我对通过API进行身份验证有很多疑问。

Contextualizing a bit what I'm doing. 上下文化我在做什么。

Now the question I have is with respect to login, the description in devise_token_auth about the sign_in path is: 现在我有关于登录的问题,在devise_token_auth中有关sign_in路径的描述是:

Email authentication. Requires email and password as params. This route will return a JSON representation of the User model on successful login along with the access-token and client in the header of the response.

The problem is that I don't know how to handle the access-token , for example, if I execute this: 问题是,例如,如果执行此命令, 我将不知道如何处理access-token

@result = HTTParty.post('url_of_my_api_on_heroku/auth/sign_in', :body => {"email": "someemail@example.com", "password": "ABCDEFGHI"}.to_json, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' })

On the application that will consume the API's services and I display the value of @result I can see the user data successfully... BUT I don't know how to get the access-token , nor use it . 在将使用API​​服务的应用程序上,我显示了@result的值,我可以成功看到用户数据... 但是我不知道如何获取access-token ,也不使用它

I need some help, please. 我需要一些帮助。

This is how you get the access-token: 这是获取访问令牌的方式:

@result = HTTParty.post('url_of_my_api_on_heroku/auth/sign_in', :body => {"email": "someemail@example.com", "password": "ABCDEFGHI"}.to_json, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' })

@access_token = @result_login.headers["access-token"]

Now @access_token will have the current value of the access-token . 现在, @access_token将具有access-token的当前值。

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