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来自 WP 文件和数据库备份的 Wordpress 娱乐

[英]Wordpress recreation from WP files & DB Backup

I made a new website locally on a mac with MAMP (the old one is still up and running).我在 Mac 上用 MAMP 在本地创建了一个新网站(旧网站仍在运行)。

I build it with this folder structure: ../wordpress/ Before Uploading, I tried to transfer the site in the root directory locally.我用这个文件夹结构构建它: ../wordpress/ 在上传之前,我尝试将站点转移到本地的根目录中。 I changed all links with blue velvet.我用蓝色天鹅绒更改了所有链接。 Then however, I first copied the files in my directory to root and then changed the settings in wordpress (i read first you HAVE to change the settings for home directoy, save, and then copy the files).但是,我首先将目录中的文件复制到 root,然后更改 wordpress 中的设置(我首先阅读您必须更改 home 目录的设置,保存,然后复制文件)。 During that process something in my database got screwed up - and i think the Prefixes went from wp_ to wp_1.在这个过程中,我的数据库中的某些东西被搞砸了——我认为前缀从 wp_ 变成了 wp_1。 Once i figured that out i tried to change that in the database and then nothing worked anymore..一旦我想通了,我尝试在数据库中更改它,然后没有任何效果了..

I have no clue of databases and I am super scared that the work of almost 5 days is gone.我对数据库一无所知,我非常害怕将近 5 天的工作消失了。 Any chance to recreate the site?有机会重建网站吗? I have all files in my directory and a backup of the database (only after things got weird).我的目录中有所有文件和数据库的备份(只有在事情变得奇怪之后)。

I am making films for a living and I am really not a coder.我以拍电影为生,我真的不是编码员。 So, any chance that there's an easy fix for someone who knows what he is doing?那么,对于一个知道自己在做什么的人来说,有没有一个简单的解决办法呢? I would appreciate every help!!我将不胜感激! :) :)


I found the answer.我找到了答案。 I had two wrong (wp_1) prefix entries in my wp_options.php.我的 wp_options.php 中有两个错误的 (wp_1) 前缀条目。

:) :)


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