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[英]RxJava approach the read multiples entries from database and write them in multiples files

I'm thinking if will be worthwhile to use RXJava for the scenario described bellow. 我在考虑下面介绍的场景是否值得使用RXJava。

Retrieve a list with a set of desired entries at once, like the result set of a query/select in a table for a specific column. 一次检索包含一组所需条目的列表,例如表中针对特定列的查询/选择的结果集。

Then is needed to perform a new query in another data source to get the related attributes for each element in the first list in a for loop (one line or more for each one). 然后需要在另一个数据源中执行新查询,以获取for循环中第一个列表中每个元素的相关属性(每个元素一行或更多行)。

Finally, write in a csv file the set of attributes retrieved. 最后,在csv文件中写入检索到的属性集。

For example, could be retrieved a list of companies from a database, in this case, the 100th listed in the fortune magazine and store the one hundred objects in a list os strings. 例如,可以从数据库中检索公司列表,在这种情况下,这是《财富》杂志列出的第100个公司,并将一百个对象存储在列表os字符串中。

Then for each company getting information about stock prices in NASDAQ in the last thirty days using a distinct data source and storing each price in a map as a value of the key with the name of each company. 然后,对于每个公司,使用不同的数据源获取过去三十天在纳斯达克的股票价格信息,并将每个价格存储在地图中,作为带有每个公司名称的键值。

A sample of the data in map is showed bellow. 下面显示了地图中的数据示例。

{"Google", [450,440,455...[29]]},
{"Apple", [550,540,555...[29]]},
{"Oracle", [50,40,55...[29]]},
{"Amazon", [350,340,355...[29]]}

... ...

Finally, iterate over the map to write each entry in a one line in csv file. 最后,遍历该映射以将每个条目写到csv文件的一行中。

Some schema, example or pseudo code of how to execute this task using RxJava? 如何使用RxJava执行此任务的一些模式,示例或伪代码?

Thank you for helping. 感谢您的帮助。

How about this: 这个怎么样:

First, some helper methods and a Tuple class: 首先,一些辅助方法和一个Tuple类:

public static class CompanyNameAndPricesTuple {
    private final String companyName;
    private final List<Double> prices;

    public CompanyNameAndPricesTuple(String companyName, List<Double> prices) {
        this.companyName = companyName;
        this.prices = prices;

    public String getCompanyName() {
        return companyName;

    public List<Double> getPrices() {
        return prices;

//Dummy method for fetching the list of companies from the DB
public static List<String> getCompaniesFromDB() {
    return Arrays.asList("Google", "Apple", "Oracle", "Amazon");

//Dummy method for fetching the list of prices for a company
public static List<Double> getStockPricesOfCompany(String companyName) {
    try {
        Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * 100)); //Simulate an IO access to some external resource
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    //A list of 100 random doubles, using Rx of course
    return Observable.fromCallable(() -> Math.random() * 1000).repeat(100).toList().toBlocking().first();

Now the creation of the Map: 现在创建地图:

Map<String, List<Double>> map =
        // Get the list of companies
        // Use flat map with subscribeOn to make price lookup
        // asynchronous since it's an IO operation
                company -> Observable
                                () -> new CompanyNameAndPricesTuple(company, getStockPricesOfCompany(company)))
        // Create a map out of the tuples we've created
        .toMap(tuple -> tuple.companyName, tuple -> tuple.getPrices())
        // Get the map

Going over the map to create a CSV: 在地图上浏览以创建CSV:

//Go over the map using RX and print the entries to csv
Observable.from(map.entrySet()).subscribe(entry -> {
    StringJoiner csvJoiner = new StringJoiner("\",\"", "\"", "\"");
    Observable.from(entry.getValue()).subscribe(price -> csvJoiner.add(Double.toString(price)));

Example output: 输出示例:


Note that if you need only the CSV and you don't really need the Map<String,List<Double>> , we can skip a few steps in the code. 请注意,如果只需要CSV而不真正需要Map<String,List<Double>> ,我们可以跳过代码中的一些步骤。

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