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[英]Modeling SIR model in matlab and simulink

I am trying to model a SIR epidemic model in matlab and simulink. 我正在尝试在Matlab和Simulink中对SIR流行病模型进行建模。 I think I've already done it in matlab but for some reason my simulink model won't work. 我想我已经在matlab中完成了,但是由于某种原因,我的simulink模型无法正常工作。 It just shows straight lines in a scope. 它仅显示示波器中的直线。 This is my function to calculate differential equations. 这是我计算微分方程的功能。

function dx = sir(t, x)
  dx = [0; 0; 0];
  beta = .5; 
  delta = .3;
    dx(1) = -beta * x(1) * x(2);
    dx(2) = beta * x(1) * x(2) - delta * x(2);
    dx(3) = delta * x(2);

This is my workspace code to show plot 这是我的工作区代码以显示情节 在此处输入图片说明 and this is mu simulink with yields this strange plot and this is after autoscaling with initial conditions set to S = 7900000 and R = 0 and I = 10 这是mu simulink,产生了这个奇怪的图,这是在自动缩放后,初始条件设置为S = 7900000和R = 0且I = 10 在此处输入图片说明

由Product3和Product2块馈入的求和块List of Signals属性应为|+-而不是|--

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