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[英]Dynamic div append on iPhone

On a website on iPhone i've made, it seems that the iPhone can't handle content with dynamic height. 在我制作的iPhone网站上,iPhone似乎无法处理动态高度的内容。 The footer div isn't pushed down by the contents thats being appended in a div preceeding the footer. 在页脚之前的div中添加的内容不会降低页脚div。 Then the footer and the new content ends up "overlaying" each other, with the content from the dynamic div just appearing as its overflowing. 然后,页脚和新内容最终彼此“重叠”,而来自动态div的内容仅显示为其溢出。

Any way to fix this..? 有任何解决这个问题的方法吗..? (Cant reproduse it in chromes iPhone emulator) (无法在Chromes iPhone模拟器中重新使用它)

Edit, here is the code that appends: 编辑,这是附加的代码:

$.each(full_playlist, function(j, current_song){
    if(!current_song.now_playing){ //check that the song isnt playing
        $("#wrapper").append(List.generateSong(current_song, false, true));

Edit, CSS for footer and wrapper: 编辑,页脚和包装的CSS:

    margin-top:0px !important;

#wrapper {
  height: 100%;
  width: 113%;
  overflow: auto;
  padding-right: 5vh;
  opacity: 1;

Adding height: auto; 增加高度:自动; fixed it the issue 解决了这个问题

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