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[英]Append an array of strings to a string in Swift

I have an array of strings for one variable, and a string as another variable. 我有一个变量的字符串数组,另一个变量的字符串。 I'd like to append all of the strings in the collection to the single string. 我想将集合中的所有字符串追加到单个字符串中。

So for example I have: 所以我举例说:

 var s = String()

   //have the CSV writer create all the columns needed as an array of strings
   let arrayOfStrings: [String] = csvReport.map{GenerateRow($0)}

// now that we have all the strings, append each one 

the line above fails. 上面的一行失败了。 I've tried every combination I can think of, but at the end of the day, I can't get it unless I just create a for loop to iterate through the entire collection, arrayOfStrings, and add it one by one. 我已经尝试了我能想到的每一个组合,但是在一天结束时,除非我只是创建一个for循环遍历整个集合,arrayOfStrings并逐个添加它,否则我无法得到它。 I feel like I can achieve this the same way using map or some other function. 我觉得我可以使用地图或其他功能以同样的方式实现这一点。

Any help? 有帮助吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

You can use joinWithSeparator : 您可以使用joinWithSeparator

let stringArray = ["Hello", "World"]
let sentence = stringArray.joined(separator: " ")  // "Hello World"

You could convert your array to string using joinWithSeparator(String) here is an example 您可以使用joinWithSeparator(String)将数组转换为字符串,这是一个示例

var array = ["1", "2", "3"]
let stringRepresentation = array.joinWithSeparator("-") // "1-2-3"

source: [ How do I convert a Swift Array to a String? 来源:[ 如何将Swift数组转换为字符串? ] ]

There are at least two options here. 这里至少有两个选择。 The most semantic choice is likely joinWithSeparator on the [String] object. 最具语义的选择可能是[String]对象上的joinWithSeparator This concatenates every string in the array, placing the separator provided as a parameter between each string. 这将连接数组中的每个字符串,将分隔符作为参数提供在每个字符串之间。

 let result = ["a", "b", "c", "d"].joinWithSeparator("")

An alternative is to use a functional reduce and the + function operator which concatenates strings. 另一种方法是使用函数reduce和+函数运算符来连接字符串。 This may be preferred if you want to do additional logic as part of the combine. 如果您想要将其他逻辑作为组合的一部分,这可能是首选。 Both example code produce the same result. 两个示例代码都产生相同的结果。

 let result = ["a", "b", "c", "d"].reduce("", combine: +)

It's also worth noting the second options is transferrable to any type that can be added, whereas the first only works with a sequence of strings, as it is defined on a protocol extension of SequenceType where Generator.Element == String . 值得注意的是,第二个选项可以转移到任何可以添加的类型,而第一个选项只适用于一系列字符串,因为它是在SequenceType where Generator.Element == String的协议扩展中定义的, SequenceType where Generator.Element == String

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