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如何在C ++中将变量附加到输出文件的名称中

[英]How to append a variable in to the output file's name in C++

I have a C++ project which output data in to a file. 我有一个C ++项目,可将数据输出到文件中。 The following is the code for it. 以下是它的代码。

case 3:
                if(! outfile)
                    cout << "Can not open outfile" << endl;

i want to mutate the file name as price-change-2014-12-23 where 2014-12-23 is a variable added to the file name, price change. 我想将文件名price-change-2014-12-23price-change-2014-12-23 ,其中2014-12-23是添加到文件名,价格更改中的变量。 Any idea guys? 有想法吗? Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

std::string filename = "price-change-" + datestring + ".csv"

Should do it. 应该做。

Thomas Matthews points out in the comments that older compilers and compilers without C++11 support enabled the file must be opened with a const char * rather than a std::string . Thomas Matthews在评论中指出,较早的编译器和不支持C ++ 11的编译器必须使用const char *而不是std::string打开文件。 If the above produces an error message and C++11 cannot be used, open the file with 如果以上内容产生错误消息并且无法使用C ++ 11,请使用



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