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[英]How does this python script work?

I've been messing around with python and I've come across something I can't quite wrap my head around. 我一直在搞弄python,遇到了一些我无法完全解决的问题。 I have the following code: 我有以下代码:

class test1:

    def __init__(self):
        self.__name = "Test"

    def getName(self):
        return self.__name

    def setName(self, name):
        self.__name = name

class test2:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__test1 = test1()

    def getTest1(self):
        return self.__test1

    def setTest1Name(self, name):
        test = self.getTest1()

var = test2()
var.setTest1Name("This works...")

print var.getTest1().getName() #returns "This works" rather than "Test"

What confuses me here is that the setTest1Name() method actually changes the "__name" field of the test2 instance's "__test1" field. 让我感到困惑的是,setTest1Name()方法实际上更改了test2实例的“ __test1”字段的“ __name”字段。 What I would expect is that the test = self.getTest1() line would create a new test1 instance bound to the name "test" which would be a copy of the test2 instance's "__test1" field. 我期望的是test = self.getTest1()行将创建一个绑定到名称“ test”的新test1实例,该实例将是test2实例的“ __test1”字段的副本。 Then the test.setName(name) line would change the "__name" field of the new "test" variable but not the "__name" field of the test2 instance's "__test1" field. 然后, test.setName(name)行将更改新“ test”变量的“ __name”字段,但不会更改test2实例的“ __test1”字段的“ __name”字段。

In short: Why does this script print "This works..." rather than "Test"? 简而言之:为什么此脚本打印“ This works ...”而不是“ Test”?

Also... Is it bad practice to take advantage of this? 另外...利用这种做法是不好的做法吗? If so what might be a better option? 如果是这样,哪个更好的选择?

(I apologize for the vague title. I have no idea what to title the question.) (我为模糊的标题表示歉意。我不知道该问题的标题是什么。)

Plain assignment does not copy anything in Python. 普通分配不会在Python中复制任何内容。 test = self.getTest1() does not set test to a copy of self.__test1 ; test = self.getTest1()不会将test设置为self.__test1的副本; it sets test to the same object as self.__test1 . 它将test设置为与self.__test1相同的对象。 Google and search this site for literally thousands of other questions and discussions about this. Google并在此站点上搜索有关此问题的数千个其他问题和讨论。


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