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[英]Setting arbitrary nodes positions in a Graphviz state machine diagram

Grapviz normally formats diagrams according to fixed styles. Grapviz通常根据固定样式设置图表格式。

I would like to set nodes positions of this graph: 我想设置此图的节点位置:


generated with this code: 使用以下代码生成:

digraph finite_state_machine {
    # rankdir=LR;
    node [shape = doublecircle]; S E;
    node [shape = circle];
    S  -> S0   [ label = "0/-" ];
    S  -> S1   [ label = "1/-" ];

    S0 -> S1   [ label = "1/-" ];
    S1 -> S0   [ label = "0/-" ];

    S0 -> S00  [ label = "0/0" ];
    S1 -> S11  [ label = "1/1" ];

    S0 -> E  [ label = "$/-" ];
    S1 -> E  [ label = "$/-" ];

    S00 -> S00 [ label = "0/0" ];
    S11 -> S11 [ label = "1/1" ];

    S00 -> S1  [ label = "1/0" ];
    S11 -> S0  [ label = "0/1" ];

    S00 -> E [ label = "$/0" ];
    S11 -> E [ label = "$/1" ];


// http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery/directed/fsm.html
// dot -Tpng example_fsm.dot > example_fsm.png

to look like this one: 看起来像这样: 所需图

rank = same is your friend. rank = same是您的朋友。 I also have added some weight for greater symmetry. 我还增加了一些权重以实现更大的对称性。

digraph finite_state_machine 
    { rank = same; S0  S1  }
    { rank = same; S00 S11 }

    node [shape = doublecircle]; 
    S; E;
    node [shape = circle];
    S0; S1; S00; S11;

    S  -> S0   [ label = "0/-" ];
    S  -> S1   [ label = "1/-" ];

    S0 -> S1   [ label = "1/-" ];
    S1 -> S0   [ label = "0/-" ];

    S0 -> S00  [ label = "0/0", weight = 8 ];
    S1 -> S11  [ label = "1/1", weight = 8 ];

    S0 -> E  [ label = "$/-" ];
    S1 -> E  [ label = "$/-" ];

    S00 -> S00 [ label = "0/0" ];
    S11 -> S11 [ label = "1/1" ];

    S00 -> S1  [ label = "1/0" ];
    S11 -> S0  [ label = "0/1" ];

    S00 -> E [ label = "$/0" ];
    S11 -> E [ label = "$/1" ];

yields 产量


As an alternative solution, this one is using the constraint and dir attributes instead of weight : 作为一种替代解决方案,这是使用constraintdir属性而不是weight

digraph finite_state_machine {
    node [shape = doublecircle]; S E;
    node [shape = circle];
    S  -> S0   [ label = "0/-" ];
    S  -> S1   [ label = "1/-" ];

    S0 -> S00  [ label = "0/0" ];
    S1 -> S11  [ label = "1/1" ];

    S00 -> E [ label = "$/0" ];
    S11 -> E [ label = "$/1" ];

    S0 -> E  [ label = "$/-" ];
    S1 -> E  [ label = "$/-" ];

    S1 -> S00  [ label = "1/0", dir=back ];
    S0 -> S11  [ label = "0/1", dir=back ];

    S0 -> S1   [ label = "1/-" ];
    S1 -> S0   [ label = "0/-" ];

    S00 -> S00 [ label = "0/0" ];
    S11 -> S11 [ label = "1/1" ];

Result as visualized with GraphvizFiddle 使用GraphvizFiddle可视化的结果

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