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[英]Excel Conditional Formatting Two lists on different spreadsheets

I have two lists, List A and List B , on two different spreadsheets, that I need to compare and format. 我在两个不同的电子表格上有两个列表, 列表A列表B ,我需要对其进行比较和格式化。

List A is a reference list with two columns, Name and Type . 列表A是具有两列NameType的参考列表。
List B contains only one column, Name , and may contain some of the names in List A and not necessarily in that order. 列表B仅包含一列Name ,并且可能包含列表A中的某些名称,而不必按此顺序。

With conditional formatting I want to use List A to format List B's names depending on the type specified for the name in the Type column in List A. 使用条件格式时,我想使用列表A来格式化列表B的名称,具体取决于在列表A的“类型”列中为名称指定的类型。


I have tried with some different formulas but not got it to work. 我尝试了一些不同的公式,但没有奏效。

Let me know if something is not clear in my description of the problem! 如果问题描述不清楚,请告诉我!

Grateful for any help! 感谢您的帮助!

Suppose if your list A are same worksheet as list B, will be easier. 假设您的列表A与列表B是相同的工作表,将会更容易。

For your case you need to name List A as below (I named it as List): 对于您的情况,您需要按以下方式命名List A(我将其命名为List):


Then go to List B Select the Range you want to apply Conditional Formatting. 然后转到列表B,选择要应用条件格式的范围。 Then Add 3 rules as below: 然后添加3条规则,如下所示: 在此处输入图片说明

The formula are like below : 公式如下:


The result will like below : 结果如下: 在此处输入图片说明

Hope this help! 希望有帮助!

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