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[英]Heroku and Twilio New SHA2-signed certificate

About a week ago I got the email below from Twilio letting me know about security updates and the possibility of compatibility issues on applications using older SSL client libraries. 大约一周前,我收到了来自Twilio的以下电子邮件,通知我有关安全更新以及使用较旧的SSL客户端库的应用程序兼容性问题的可能性。 My app is hosted on Heroku , is not using a custom domain and piggy-backs on their SSL. 我的应用程序托管在Heroku上 ,未在其SSL上使用自定义域和搭载。 This issue isn't an issue for me, is it? 这个问题对我来说不是问题,不是吗? Heroku is usually on top of security and up to date on these things but googling I only find info on setting up SSL for custom domains on Heroku. Heroku通常是安全性最高的,并且在这些方面是最新的,但是在谷歌搜索中,我仅找到有关在Heroku上为自定义域设置SSL的信息。 Anyone have any ideas? 有人有想法么?

Twilio View Online Reminder: Security Certificate Changes Twilio View在线提醒:安全证书更改

This is a reminder that on December 1, 2015 at 4:30 PM PT, we'll be updating api.twilio.com with a SHA2-signed certificate, a significant improvement in encryption technology. 谨在此提醒您,2015年12月1日下午4:30,我们将使用SHA2签名的证书更新api.twilio.com,这是加密技术的一项重大改进。 From the official announcement on October 8, 2015: Though the vast majority of applications will not be impacted in any way, there is a possibility that applications using older SSL client libraries may run into compatibility issues. 从2015年10月8日的官方公告起:尽管绝大多数应用程序都不会受到任何影响,但是使用较旧的SSL客户端库的应用程序可能会遇到兼容性问题。 To verify that your application is compatible with the new certificate, we've provided a test API endpoint at api.twilio.com:8443. 为了验证您的应用程序是否与新证书兼容,我们在api.twilio.com:8443提供了一个测试API端点。 Please note this endpoint uses a different port from the current default port of 443. Make sure you specify that port in your Twilio SDK. 请注意,此终结点使用的端口与当前默认端口443不同。请确保您在Twilio SDK中指定了该端口。

The validation endpoint will be deprecated on December 1, 2015 when the new SHA2-signed certificate is deployed to the main Twilio API endpoint (port 443). 当将新的SHA2签名的证书部署到主要Twilio API端点(端口443)时,验证端点将在2015年12月1日弃用。 Please let us know at help@twilio.com if you have any questions. 如有任何疑问,请通过help@twilio.com与我们联系。 We're always listening and we're here to help. 我们一直在倾听,我们在这里为您提供帮助。

Cheers, Team Twilio Twilio队欢呼

Twilio developer evangelist here. Twilio开发人员布道者在这里。

This warning is not about your domain, but the SSL library on the platform on which you make API requests to Twilio. 此警告与您的域无关,但与向Twilio发出API请求的平台上的SSL库有关。

Since you posted this question not long before the cut off came and it is now gone, I can't give you advice for testing this before the old certificates are removed. 由于您是在切断日期之前不久发布此问题的,现在它已经消失了,因此在删除旧证书之前,我无法为您提供测试建议。 Basically, by now, if you are not seeing any errors in your application that makes calls to the Twilio API, then you are safe. 基本上,到目前为止,如果您在应用程序中看不到任何对Twilio API进行调用的错误,那么您就安全了。

As you said, Heroku are normally on top of things like this and keep their SSL libraries up to date, so you should have nothing to worry about. 就像您说的那样,Heroku通常处于这种状态之上,并保持其SSL库为最新,因此您不必担心。 I just spun up a dyno and ran some tests and everything seemed to work fine, so I suspect you have nothing to worry about. 我只是旋转了一个dyno并进行了一些测试,一切似乎都正常,因此我怀疑您没有什么可担心的。

If you were to have tested this before the change was made, you could have used the test endpoint on port 8443. In Ruby (I'm not sure what language you're using, but it's a good example anyway) you would do this: 如果要在进行更改之前对此进行测试,则可以在端口8443上使用测试端点。在Ruby中(我不确定您使用的是哪种语言,但无论如何这都是一个很好的示例),您可以这样做:

require 'twilio-ruby'
account_sid = "AC123..." # your Twilio account sid
auth_token = "xyzabc..." # your Twilio auth token

client = Twilio::REST::Client.new(account_sid, auth_token, port: 8443)

Then, make any call to the API and check that it works over this port. 然后,对API进行任何调用,并检查其是否可以在此端口上正常工作。


If it does work then you are safe and have nothing to worry about. 如果它可以正常工作,那么您就安全了,不必担心。

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