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[英]PHP: what does a double assignment look like in longform?

I wasn't even sure how to Google this. 我甚至不确定如何谷歌这个。 How would this PHP statement be written longform? 如何将这个PHP语句写成longform?

$recentlyViewed = $products = $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts();

Optimizations like this make experts feel smart, and beginners feel really stupid. 这样的优化让专家感觉很聪明,初学者觉得非常愚蠢。 I'm pretty sure I understand what the outcome is, but maybe I'm wrong. 我很确定我明白结果是什么,但也许我错了。

A: Is this equivalent? A:这相当吗?

$products = $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts();
$recentlyViewed = ($products) ? true : false;

B: Is this equivalent? B:这相当吗?

$products = $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts();
$recentlyViewed = $products;

Which is right? 哪个是对的?

Via Twitter, seems B is equivalent. 通过Twitter,似乎B是等价的。

Public Service Announcement 公共服务声明

Write glaringly simple code. 写出明显简单的代码。 Don't be clever. 别聪明。

$recentlyViewed = $products = $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts();


$products = $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts();
$recentlyViewed = ($products) ? true : false;

I think this is equivalent: 我认为这是等价的:

Nope its not equivalent. 不,它不相同。

Let's see the difference 让我们看看差异

$recentlyViewed = $products = range(1,10);

So if you print_r then the value'll be 所以如果你print_r那么值就是


This'll print two arrays from [1,2,3,....10] but the 这将从[1,2,3,....10]打印两个阵列但是

$products = range(1,10);
$recentlyViewed = ($products) ? true : false;

So if you print the $products and $recentlyViewed then the result will be the first'll print an array and the other one'll print 1 . 因此,如果您打印$products$recentlyViewed recentViewed,那么结果将是第一个打印array ,另一个将打印1

So whats the equivalent of 所以什么相当于

$recentlyViewed = $products = $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts();

will be 将会

$products = $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts();
$recentlyViewed = $products;

Demo 演示

The equivalent is this 相当于此

$products = $this->getRecent();
$recentlyViewed = $products;

I'm not sure how a test for $products would make sense there as the double assignment does not return booleans. 我不确定对于$products的测试是如何有意义的,因为双重赋值不会返回布尔值。

See here the difference between raw types and objects. 在这里看到原始类型和对象之间的区别。
Are multiple variable assignments done by value or reference? 多个变量赋值是通过值还是引用完成的?

When you write: 当你写:

$recentlyViewed = $products = $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts();

what PHP does is that begging from the right hand and assigns most right value to the left side variable (if any). PHP所做的是从右手乞求并将最正确的值分配给左侧变量(如果有的话)。 This value can be a const value (ie string or number), another variable or return value of a function ( $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts() in this case). 此值可以是const值(即字符串或数字),函数的另一个变量或返回值$this->getRecentlyViewedProducts()在本例中$this->getRecentlyViewedProducts() )。 So here are steps: 所以这是步骤:

  • calculate return value of ( $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts() in this case) 计算的返回值( $这个- > getRecentlyViewedProducts() in this case)
  • assign calculated value to $products 将计算值分配给$products
  • assign $product to $recentlyViewed $product分配给$recentlyViewed

so if we assume your getRecentlyViewedProducts function returns 'Hello Brendan!', at the end of execution, both $products and $recentlyViewed would have same value. 因此,如果我们假设您的getRecentlyViewedProducts函数返回'Hello Brendan!',则在执行结束时, $products$recentlyViewed将具有相同的值。

In PHP, variable types are implicit and therefore you can use them directly in if statements like this: 在PHP中,变量类型是隐式的,因此您可以在if语句中直接使用它们:

if($recentlyViewed) { ... }

and in this case if $recentlyViewed is setted and its value $recentlyViewed is anything other that 0 , false or null , your if condition will satisfy. 在这种情况下,如果$recentlyViewed是设置好的,它的值$recentlyViewed是什么,其他是0falsenull ,你if条件将满足。
It's very common to use non-boolean values in PHP as check conditions, anyway if you are using $recentlyViewed just as a flag, it's better to do this for the sake of code readability and memory optimization (attention that if your function returns for example a large string, copying its value in a separate variable to use it as just a flag is not a wise choice): 在PHP中使用非布尔值作为检查条件是很常见的,无论如何,如果你使用$recentlyViewed作为标志,为了代码可读性和内存优化,最好这样做(注意如果你的函数返回例如一个大字符串,将其值复制到一个单独的变量中,将其用作标志不是明智的选择):

$recentlyViewed = $products ? true : false;

or 要么

$recentlyViewed = $products ? 1 : 0;

althogh the result would not be different. althogh结果不会有所不同。

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