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将 git 日志文件名解析为 json

[英]Parse git log file names to json

I use the following code to get the name of the files which were changed in the last commit:我使用以下代码来获取在上次提交中更改的文件的名称:

git log -1 --stat

Now I want to parse the results to JSON.现在我想将结果解析为 JSON。 I know that I can use pretty-formats to parse all 'git log' data into JSON ( pretty-formats ) like this:我知道我可以使用漂亮格式将所有“git log”数据解析为 JSON(漂亮格式),如下所示:

git log \
--pretty=format:'{%n  "commit": "%H",%n  "author": "%an <%ae>",%n  "date": "%ad",%n  "message": "%f"%n},' \
$@ | \
perl -pe 'BEGIN{print "["}; END{print "]\n"}' | \
perl -pe 's/},]/}]/'

but is there a way to also parse to this JSON the change file name for example?但是有没有办法也解析这个 JSON 更改文件名

You can do the following :您可以执行以下操作:

function getcommit { \
    git show --pretty="format:"  --name-only $1 | \
    perl -pe's/^\n//g;' | \
    sed 's/\(.*\)/"\1"/g' | \
    perl -0pe 's/\n(?!\Z)/,\n/g'; \

export -f getcommit

git log -1 --pretty=format:'{%n  "commit": "%H",%n  "author": "%an <%ae>",%n  "date": "%ad",%n  "message": "%f",%n  "files": [ COMMIT_HASH_%H  ]%n},' | \
perl -pe 'BEGIN{print "["}; END{print "]\n"}' | \
perl -pe 's/},]/}]/;s/COMMIT_HASH_(\w+)/`echo -n "";getcommit $1`/e'

Basically, I replaced commit hash with a fixed string COMMIT_HASH_ preceding the hash itself and then replace this hash with the result of git show --pretty="format:" --name-only $COMMIT_HASH .基本上,我用哈希本身之前的固定字符串COMMIT_HASH_替换了提交哈希,然后用git show --pretty="format:" --name-only $COMMIT_HASH的结果替换了这个哈希。

All changed file are put into a json array "files".所有更改的文件都放入一个 json 数组“文件”中。 This is working for the last X commit这适用于最后一次 X 提交

Here is an example for the 2 last commit :这是最后一次提交的示例:

  "commit": "1edcef90b42afee11fbd31dcc458ae0f15a3bb6e",
  "author": "Bertrand Martel <......@gmail.com>",
  "date": "Tue Oct 13 17:35:34 2015 +0200",
  "message": "update-readme",
  "files": [ "README.md",
  "commit": "8aa2ce64e58b770122a3561b8ef41d807ce36abc",
  "author": "Bertrand Martel <......@gmail.com>",
  "date": "Mon Oct 12 19:36:18 2015 +0200",
  "message": "fix-async-bluetooth-command-bug-bluetoooth-state-check",
  "files": [ "android/app/src/main/java/fr/bmartel/android/bluetooth/BluetoothCustomManager.java",

Here is a script that take commit index in parameters and return json info including files changed : https://gist.github.com/bertrandmartel/a4ed5d76562e74d77282这是一个脚本,它在参数中获取提交索引并返回 json 信息,包括更改的文件: https : //gist.github.com/bertrandmartel/a4ed5d76562e74d77282

Instead of difficult regular expressions and custom Bash functions, you can create the JSON array from just 1 git -command with , a true JSON parser.代替困难的正则表达式和自定义 Bash 函数,您可以使用 (一个真正的 JSON 解析器)从 1 个git -command 创建 JSON 数组。

To illustrate I'll take the latest 3 commits from the FFmpeg repo .为了说明,我将从FFmpeg repo 中获取最新的 3 次提交。

$ git log -3 --pretty=format:'%H%n%an <%ae>%n%ad%n%f' --name-only
Thilo Borgmann <thilo.borgmann@mail.de>
Sun Jun 6 15:15:50 2021 +0200

Thilo Borgmann <thilo.borgmann@mail.de>
Sun Jun 6 15:15:00 2021 +0200

Keyun Tong <ktong@fb.com>
Sun Jun 20 21:42:29 2021 +0200

$ git log -3 --pretty=format:'%H%n%an <%ae>%n%ad%n%f' --name-only | xidel -se '
    for $cmt in tokenize($raw,"\n\n")
    let $ln:=x:lines($cmt)
    return {
      "files":array{$ln[position() = 5 to last()]}
    "commit": "cf12a478b206cd107343827426a05aedb83816bc",
    "author": "Thilo Borgmann <thilo.borgmann@mail.de>",
    "date": "Sun Jun 6 15:15:50 2021 +0200",
    "message": "fftools-cmdutils.c-Add-cmd-line-option-to-override-detection-of-cpu-count",
    "files": ["doc/fftools-common-opts.texi", "fftools/cmdutils.c", "fftools/cmdutils.h"]
    "commit": "87951dcbe775b349a671b9ac2e6ac5c38aee0e79",
    "author": "Thilo Borgmann <thilo.borgmann@mail.de>",
    "date": "Sun Jun 6 15:15:00 2021 +0200",
    "message": "lavu-cpu.c-Add-av_force_cpu_count-to-override-auto-detection",
    "files": ["libavutil/cpu.c", "libavutil/cpu.h"]
    "commit": "b7266302a40ba48fea7a5644f08623159b3dcac7",
    "author": "Keyun Tong <ktong@fb.com>",
    "date": "Sun Jun 20 21:42:29 2021 +0200",
    "message": "fftools-ffmpeg-Add-new-variant-source_no_drop-to-the-force_key_frames-option",
    "files": ["doc/ffmpeg.texi", "fftools/ffmpeg.c", "fftools/ffmpeg.h"]
  • Create a sequence of every commit by "tokenizing" on the empty line.通过在空行上“标记化”来创建每个提交的序列。
  • For every commit create a variable that holds a sequence of every line.对于每次提交,创建一个变量来保存每一行的序列。
    ( x:lines($cmt) is a shorthand for tokenize($cmt,'\\r\\n?|\\n') ) x:lines($cmt)tokenize($cmt,'\\r\\n?|\\n')的简写)
  • Return the JSON object from each corresponding line, where the list of files becomes an array from line nr.5 to the last one.从每个对应的行返回 JSON 对象,其中文件列表变成了从第 nr.5 行到最后一行的数组。

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