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[英]Accessing function from exported module (node.js)

I have been reading up on this and apprently there are more ways to export a module in node.js. 我一直在阅读有关内容,显然,有更多的方法可以在node.js中导出模块。

One of the simple things you can do with modules is to encapsulate functions within a file like so: 您可以对模块执行的简单操作之一就是将函数封装在文件中,如下所示:

module.exports = {
  sayHelloInEnglish: function() {
    return "HELLO";

  sayHelloInSpanish: function() {
    return "Hola";

However i would like to create some more dirverse modules and so ive created the following user module: 但是我想创建更多的dirverse模块,因此我创建了以下用户模块:

    var UserModule = function (socket) {
    var userList = [];

    socket.on('userData', function (userDetails) {
        userDetails.socket = socket;
        userList[userDetails.id] = userDetails

    socket.on('getActiveUsers', function () {
        socket.emit('activeUsers', userList);

    function helloWorld (){
        console.log('hello world');


module.exports = function (socket) {
    return new UserModule(socket);

now i am requireing this module in my io instance: 现在我在io实例中需要此模块:

    io.on('connection', function (socket) {
    var my_user = userList.id;
    socket.on('userData', function (userDetails) {
        userDetails.socket = socket;
        userList[userDetails.id] = userDetails

    var userModule = require('./costum_modules/UserModule.js')(socket);
    var chatModule = require('./costum_modules/ChatModule.js')(socket, userModule);
    var cacheModule = require('./costum_modules/CacheModule.js')(socket, userModule);
    var notificationModule = require('./costum_modules/NotificationModule')(socket, sequelize, userList);


The socket.on methods are working fine in my UserModule however i am unable to call the function helloWorld . socket.on方法在我的UserModule中运行良好,但是我无法调用函数helloWorld if i try i get the following error: 如果我尝试以下错误:

userModule.helloWorld is not a function

So my question is, is what i am trying to do even possible? 所以我的问题是,我要做什么甚至可能? how am i able to store objects , functions ect in a module for later use? 我如何在模块中存储objectsfunctions以备后用?

function helloWorld is essentially a private function for use within your userModule. function helloWorld本质上是在userModule中使用的私有函数。

You can make it public by changing the function declaration to the following: 您可以通过将函数声明更改为以下内容来使其公开:

this.helloWorld = function (){
    console.log('hello world');

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