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[英]Linqpad not showing stored procedures with non-dbo schema

I've been using LinqPad for a while now, but have only noticed this problem recently. 我已经使用LinqPad已有一段时间了,但是最近才注意到这个问题。 We have some stored procedures in our DB that have a schema other than dbo, such as [admin].[ClearTransientData] . 我们数据库中有一些存储过程,它们具有dbo以外的模式,例如[admin].[ClearTransientData]

When I connect to that database with LinqPad, it will only show the stored procedures with the [dbo] schema. 当我使用LinqPad连接到该数据库时,它将仅显示具有[dbo]模式的存储过程。

The schema in question is owned by the dbo role and I'm connecting to the database with an account in the dbo role. 有问题的模式归dbo角色所有,我正在使用dbo角色的帐户连接到数据库。 When I connect to the same database with SSMS using the same account, I can see all of the sprocs no matter the schema. 当我使用相同的帐户使用SSMS连接到相同的数据库时,无论架构如何,我都可以看到所有的存储过程。

Am I missing something in the connection definition? 我在连接定义中缺少什么吗?

I found the answer, thanks to a prompting from the mobile stackexchange app. 由于移动stackexchange应用程序的提示,我找到了答案。 I cannot find the user that contacted me (if it was you, please add a comment to the question above or post an answer so I can mark it correct). 我找不到与我联系的用户(如果是您,请在上面的问题中添加评论或发布答案,以便将其标记为正确)。

Anyway, the default grouping in Linqpad is: 无论如何,Linqpad中的默认分组为:

  • Schema 架构图
    • Tables (only nested in the default schema) 表(仅嵌套在默认架构中)
    • Functions 职能
    • Stored Procs 存储过程
    • Views 观看次数

However, for the default schema (dbo in this case), that grouping is left out, so 'Tables', 'Functions', 'Stored Procs' and 'Views' appear at the top level. 但是,对于默认模式(在这种情况下为dbo),该分组被省略,因此“表”,“功能”,“存储的过程”和“视图”出现在顶层。 This led me to believe that all stored procedures would be grouped at the top 'Stored Procs' level, then sub-grouped by shcema name under that. 这使我相信, 所有存储过程都将在“存储过程”的最高级别分组,然后在该级别下按shcema名称进行分组。 This is not the case. 不是这种情况。

All I had to do was expand the 'Admin' schema[1] in the tree and there was the 'Stored Procs' grouping I was looking for. 我所要做的就是在树中扩展“ Admin”架构[1],并且正在寻找“ Stored Procs”分组。

  • Admin 管理员
    • Table1 表格1
    • Table2 表2
  • Stored Procs 存储过程
    • proc1 proc1
    • proc2 proc2

Thanks, Mark 谢谢马克

[1] the name of the schema in question actually begins with 'V', which placed deep in the tree view. [1]所涉及的模式名称实际上以“ V”开头,该名称位于树形视图的深处。 Since I'm lazy and had to scroll down to see it, I didn't see it right away. 由于我很懒,必须向下滚动才能看到它,所以我没有立即看到它。

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