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[英]How to prevent ion-slide from 'bouncing' back down when you are scrolling up to reveal content?

http://codepen.io/leongaban/pen/yeBjWx http://codepen.io/leongaban/pen/yeBjWx


Note above, try to scroll the list to reveal the content at the bottom. 注意,请尝试滚动列表以显示底部的内容。 Once you let go of the mouse the list scrolls or rather "rubber-bands" back down, hiding the content once again. 一旦放开鼠标,列表就会向下滚动,或者更确切地说是“橡皮筋”,再次隐藏内容。

Markup 标记

  <div class="social-stream-container">
    <ion-scroll direction="y" id="social-tweets">
        <ion-item class="social-content-block" ng-repeat="t in tweets | filter: orderBy">

Styling (the content box has a certain height, so user needs to be able to scroll to see more) 样式(内容框具有一定的高度,因此用户需要能够滚动才能看到更多内容)

.social-stream-container {
  overflow: hidden;
  height: 187px;
  background: cyan;

I tried adding this to the ion-scroll : has-bouncing="false" but that stopped any kind of scrolling at all. 我尝试将其添加到ion-scrollhas-bouncing="false"但这根本停止了任何形式的滚动。

Here is the fix: http://codepen.io/leongaban/pen/yeBWWB 解决方法如下: http : //codepen.io/leongaban/pen/yeBWWB

The div with class of social-stream-container was removed and that class was then placed on the ion-scroll element. 删除了具有social-stream-container类的div,然后将该类放置在ion-scroll元素上。

<ion-slide id="twitter">
    <ion-scroll class="social-stream-container" direction="y" id="social-tweets">
        <ion-item class="social-content-block" ng-repeat="t in tweets | filter: orderBy">

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