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如何在 drupal 日历页/块上显示 Drupal Commerce 用户订单?

[英]How to display Drupal Commerce user orders on drupal calendar page/block?

Can Drupal calendar be used to display user orders on block or page on user dashboard so that they can see their all orders status on calendar. Drupal 日历是否可以用于在用户仪表板上的块或页面上显示用户订单,以便他们可以在日历上看到他们的所有订单状态。 There is already a view that shows orders in tabular form, but can Drupal calendar can be used to show users orders as well?已经有一个以表格形式显示订单的视图,但是 Drupal 日历也可以用来显示用户订单吗?

Any suggestion / ideas?有什么建议/想法吗?

Every view has its template files. 每个视图都有其模板文件。 And you can edit them, meaning you can "force" them to display what every you want. 您可以编辑它们,这意味着您可以“强制”它们显示所需的内容。 So find template file ("Theming information" on view edit page / Advanced options can be helpful) you want to upgrade and add your code there which will get user order for that day and display them. 因此,找到要升级的模板文件(“视图编辑页面上的“主题信息” /高级选项可能会有所帮助”)并在其中添加代码,该代码将获取当天的用户订单并显示出来。

It is now possible to display Commerce Orders in a Calendar View with this module: https://drupal.org/project/calendar_view现在可以使用此模块在日历视图中显示商务订单: https://drupal.org/project/calendar_view

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