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[英]Python regex to remove capture email between dashes or ignore emails ending with .jpg etc

I am trying to figure out how to improve the regex to only get emails not ending with ".jpg" and to remove -- from both left and right part of the emails if any is found. 我试图弄清楚如何改进正则表达式,使其仅接收不以".jpg"结尾的emails ,并从邮件的左右两侧删除--如果发现)。 Example parameter as source which is a string. 作为source示例参数,它是一个字符串。



The result should contain: bbb@example.com, ccc@example.com, ddd@example.com So basically, I want to see anyway to improve this function so the regex would could produce emails without -- and if possible improve the if not email[0].endswith('.png') in case i want to add more, this could look urgly. 结果应包含: bbb @ example.com,ccc @ example.com,ddd @ example.com因此,基本上,我想无论如何都希望改进此功能,以便regex可以生成不带电子邮件的电子邮件-如果可能,可以改善if not email[0].endswith('.png') ,以防万一我想添加更多,这看起来很紧急。

def extract_emails(source):

    regex = re.compile(r'([\w\-\.]{1,100}@(\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+)')
    emails = list(set(regex.findall(source.decode("utf8"))))
    all_emails = []
    for email in emails:
        if not email[0].endswith('.png') and not email[0].endswith('.jpg') \
                and not email[0].endswith('.gif') and not email[0].endswith('.rar')\
                and not email[0].endswith('.zip') and not email[0].endswith('.swf'):

    return list(set(all_emails))

I think top level domains are few so you can use alternation 我认为顶级域名很少,因此您可以使用alternation域名


print re.findall(r"-*([\w\.]{1,100}@\w[\w\-]+\.+com|biz|us|bd)-*",s)

['bbb@example.com', 'ccc@example.com', 'ddd@example.com']

see DEMO 演示

or try \\w+@\\w+\\.(?!jpg|png)\\w+\\.*\\w* 或尝试\\w+@\\w+\\.(?!jpg|png)\\w+\\.*\\w*


print re.findall(r"\w+@\w+\.(?!jpg|png)\w+\.*\w*",s)

It is very hard to set constant regex for email verification- Details for email validation go at Using a regular expression to validate an email address it has 69 answers. 为电子邮件验证设置常量正则表达式非常困难-有关电子邮件验证的详细信息,请参见使用正则表达式来验证具有69个答案的电子邮件地址


print re.findall(r"-*([\w\-\.]{1,100}@(?:\w[\w\-]+\.)+(?!jpg)[\w]+)-*",x)

Output: ['bbb@example.com', 'ccc@example.com', 'ddd@example.com'] 输出: ['bbb@example.com', 'ccc@example.com', 'ddd@example.com']

The best way to do this is using html parser like BeautifulSoup 最好的方法是使用HTML解析器,例如BeautifulSoup

In [37]: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

In [38]: soup = BeautifulSoup('''<html>
   ....:    <body>
   ....:    <p>aaa@example.jpg</p>
   ....:    <p>--bbb@example.com--</p>
   ....:    <p>ccc@example.com--</p>
   ....:    <p>--ddd@example.com</p>
   ....: </body>
   ....: </html>''', 'lxml')

In [39]: [email.strip('-') for email in soup.stripped_strings if not email.endswith('.jpg')]
Out[39]: ['bbb@example.com', 'ccc@example.com', 'ddd@example.com']

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