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jquery bootstrap手风琴没有完全垂直扩展

[英]jquery bootstrap accordion not expanding vertically fully

I'm using this example fiddle for nested bootstrap accordions. 我正在使用这个示例小提琴来嵌套引导手风琴。 Fiddle here 在这里小提琴

I'm using it in MVC/Razor and I'm having trouble getting child accordions to expand fully. 我在MVC / Razor中使用它,我很难让儿童手风琴完全展开。 They only open a tiny bit and need to scroll, which is not desired. 他们只打开一点点,需要滚动,这是不希望的。

Here's my pertinent Razor snippet: (FYI, the various style="height:150px;" attributes I added to try to get the accordions to expand but they only expanded the area around the accordions, not the accordions themselves.) 这是我的相关Razor片段:(仅供参考,各种style="height:150px;"我添加的属性试图让手风琴扩展,但他们只扩展了手风琴周围的区域,而不是手风琴本身。)


.accordion-expand-holder {
    margin: 10px 0;

    /*.accordion-expand-holder .open, .accordion-expand-holder .close {
        margin: 0 10px 0 0;

.ui-accordion-content {
    height: auto;
<link href="~/Content/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-ui.js"></script>

<div class="accordion-expand-holder">
<button type="button" class="open">Expand all</button>
<button type="button" class="close">Collapse all</button>
@foreach (var item in Model)
<div class="accordion">
        <div class="text-nowrap">
            <button type="button" onclick="javascript:DeleteUserStory('@(item.Id)');">Delete</button>
            <button type="button" onclick="javascript:EditUserStory('@(item.Id)');">Edit</button>
        <div>Description: @(item.Description)</div>
        <div>Notes: @(item.Notes)</div>
        <div class="accordion" style="height:150px;">
            <ul style="height:150px;">
                @if (item.Tasks != null)
                    if (item.Tasks.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var task in item.Tasks)
                            <li style="height:150px;">
                                <button type="button" onclick="javascript:DeleteTask('@(task.Id)');">Delete</button>
                                <button type="button" onclick="javascript:EditTask('@(task.Id)');">Edit</button>
                                <br />
                                <a href="#">@(task.Name)</a>
                                <br />
                                Description: @(task.Description)
                        <li>No Tasks Assigned.</li>
        <br />
        <button type="button" onclick="javascript:ShowTaskModalForAdd('@(item.Id)');">Add New Task</button>


// Accordion - Expand All #01
$(function () {
        collapsible: true,
        active: false,
        autoHeight: true,
    var icons = $(".accordion").accordion("option", "icons");
    $('.open').click(function () {
        $('.ui-accordion-header').removeClass('ui-corner-all').addClass('ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top').attr({
            'aria-selected': 'true',
            'tabindex': '0'
            'aria-expanded': 'true',
            'aria-hidden': 'false'
        $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled");
    $('.close').click(function () {
        $('.ui-accordion-header').removeClass('ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top').addClass('ui-corner-all').attr({
            'aria-selected': 'false',
            'tabindex': '-1'
            'aria-expanded': 'false',
            'aria-hidden': 'true'
        $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled");
    $('.ui-accordion-header').click(function () {


Looks like your issue is the autoHeight option. 看起来您的问题是autoHeight选项。

You can either set it false as such: autoHeight: false , 您可以将其设置为false: autoHeight: false

-OR- -要么-

you can use autoHeight: true, and add heightStyle: "content", afterwards. 你可以使用autoHeight: true,然后添加heightStyle: "content",

Source: JQuery Accordion Auto Height issue 资料来源: JQuery Accordion Auto Height问题

Needed this: 需要这个:

        collapsible: true,
        active: false,
        autoHeight: false,
        heightStyle: "content" //<- this fixes the problem with the squished height

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