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在C#ASP.NET Web API中使用2个外键从表中检索数据

[英]retrieving data from a table with 2 foreign keys in c# asp.net web api

I am trying to retrieve data from a table which has 2 foreign keys and filter it with a where clause. 我试图从具有2个外键的表中检索数据,并使用where子句对其进行过滤。 Its a web api scenario and when I call the url endpoint of that method it returns http code 200 but with no data, no error are returned as well. 它是一个Web API场景,当我调用该方法的url端点时,它将返回http代码200,但没有数据,也不会返回任何错误。 Below is the model which is the basis for my table 下面是模型,这是我的表格的基础

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace xxxx.Models
    public class Feedback
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string comment { get; set; }
        public string date { get; set; }

        //Foreign key
        public int projectId { get; set; }
        public int studentId { get; set; }
        public int companyId { get; set; }

        public  Student student { get; set; }

        public Company company { get; set; }


The code in the controller which has the method which that I am using to retrieve data is below 控制器中的代码如下,该代码具有我用来检索数据的方法

    public IQueryable<CommentDTO> GetFeedbacks(int project_id)
        var comments = from b in db.Feedbacks.Where(b => b.projectId == project_id)
                       .Include(b=> b.company)
                       .Include(b=> b.student)

                       select new CommentDTO
                           Id = b.Id,
                           comment = b.comment,
                           date = b.date,
                           student = new StudentCommentDTO()
                               student_number = b.student.Id,
                               first_name = b.student.firstName,
                               middle_name = b.student.middleName,
                               last_name = b.student.lastName,
                               profile_pic = b.student.profilePic
                           company = new CompanyCommentDTO()
                               companyID = b.company.Id,
                               profile_pic = b.company.profilePicture,
                               name = b.company.companyName
        return comments;

Note that StudentCommentDTO is just a data transfer object, I have also tried to remove the where clause but it still didn't work, I have also tried to make my navigatation properties virtual but the result is still the same. 请注意,StudentCommentDTO只是一个数据传输对象,我也尝试删除了where子句,但是它仍然没有用,我还尝试了使我的导航属性变为虚拟,但结果仍然相同。 I can boldly confirm that there is data in the table. 我可以大胆地确认表中是否有数据。 The screen shot below shows the result I am getting in the fiddler, an empty array is returned always click here to see results from the fiddler 下面的屏幕截图显示了我在提琴手中得到的结果,总是返回一个空数组。 单击此处查看提琴手的结果

I think I have seen where my problem is, The Feedbacks table which stores the data that I want has to foreign keys for Student and Company in each case one of them has to be null (I have made it possible to be nullable). 我想我已经知道问题出在哪里了,该反馈表存储了我想要的数据,该数据必须存储在StudentCompany的外键中,在每种情况下,它们中的一个必须为null(我可以使其成为可为空)。 I am trying to archieve a situation where by people with 2 different roles, companies and students can participate in comments of a particular post 我正在尝试归档一种情况,在这种情况下,具有两种不同角色的人,公司和学生可以参与对特定帖子的评论

I have assumed your studentId is Id in Student Class. 我假设您的studentIdStudent班的Id Remember if any Id is null then the full join record will be missing in returned list (reason: can't join on null ). 请记住,如果任何Id为null则返回列表中将缺少完整的join记录(原因:不能在nullnull )。

        IQueryable<CommentDTO> comments = null;
        comments = from b in db.Feedbacks.Where(b => b.projectId == project_id)
                       join std in db.Students on b.studentId equals std.Id
                       join cmp in db.Companies on b.companyId equals cmp.Id 

                       select new CommentDTO
                           Id = b.Id,
                           comment = b.comment,
                           date = b.date,
                           student = new StudentCommentDTO()
                               student_number = std.Id,
                               first_name = std.firstName,
                               middle_name = std.middleName,
                               last_name = std.lastName,
                               profile_pic = std.profilePic
                           company = new CompanyCommentDTO()
                               companyID = cmp.Id,
                               profile_pic = cmp.profilePicture,
                               name = cmp.companyName
        return comments.ToList();

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