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为什么带有ASP.NET MVC5路由属性的友好url每次都不起作用?

[英]Why friendly url with ASP.NET MVC5 Routing attributes doesn't work everytime?

I want to know why a friendly URL is generated from one action and not on the other. 我想知道为什么从一个动作而不是另一个动作生成友好的URL。

Let's me show you! 让我告诉你!

    public class GuestController : BaseController
        public ActionResult Index(int id, int ids)
            return View();

        public ActionResult Register(int id, int ids)
            return View();

To get the friendly URL results, I use Razor like this: 为了获得友好的URL结果,我使用Razor像这样:

@Html.ActionLink("some text", "Index", "Guest", new { id = 1, ids = 1 }, null)
@Html.ActionLink("some other text", "Register", "Guest", new { id = 1, ids = 1 }, null)

And in the route config file I added this line: routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes(); 在路由配置文件中,我添加了以下行: routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes();

So the first on work properly, I get the http:.../fr-ca/guest/users/1/1 But the second one doesn't work! 因此,第一个正常工作,我得到了http:... / fr-ca / guest / users / 1/1,但是第二个无效! I get http:.../fr-ca/guest/register?id=1&ids=1 我得到http:... / fr-ca / guest / register?id = 1&ids = 1

Anyone can help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

Thank you!! 谢谢!!

David 大卫

Assuming you do not have any other route definition which is conflicting with this, 假设您没有与此冲突的其他路线定义,

@Html.ActionLink("some other text", "Register", "Guest", new { id = 1, ids = 1 }, null) will generate anchor tag with href value as http://yoursitename/fr-ca/guest/register/1/1 , not http:.../fr-ca/guest/register?id=1&ids=1 @Html.ActionLink("some other text", "Register", "Guest", new { id = 1, ids = 1 }, null)将生成带有href值的锚标记,其值为http://yoursitename/fr-ca/guest/register/1/1 ,不是http:.../fr-ca/guest/register?id=1&ids=1

Since you have specified the pattern as register/{id:int}/{ids:int} It should work fine for register/1/1 url, but not for /register?id=1&ids=2 . 由于您已将模式指定为register/{id:int}/{ids:int}因此它对于register/1/1 url应该可以正常工作,但对于/register?id=1&ids=2无效。 That is the expected behavior. 那是预期的行为。

Instead of using Html.ActionLink you can use Html.RouteLink . 可以使用Html.RouteLink代替使用Html.ActionLink This helper has an overload that takes the name of a route to be used. 该帮助程序有一个重载,该重载使用要使用的路由的名称。 You must add a name to your route though: 您必须通过以下方式为路线添加名称:

In your controller: 在您的控制器中:

[Route("register/{id:int}/{ids:int}", Name="GuestRegister")]
public ActionResult Register(int id, int ids)
    return View();        

In your view: 您认为:

@Html.RouteLink("some other text", "GuestRegister", new { id = 1, ids = 1 }, null)

This results in: 结果是:


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