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[英]Two-way data binding for a Meteor app

I've built an app that is form-based. 我建立了一个基于表单的应用程序。 I want to enable users to partially fill out a form, and then come back to it at a later date if they can't finish it at the present. 我想让用户部分填写表格,如果他们目前无法完成,请稍后再回来。 I've used iron router to create a unique URL for each form instance, so they can come back to the link. 我已经使用Iron Router为每个表单实例创建一个唯一的URL,因此它们可以返回到链接。 My problem is that Meteor doesn't automatically save the values in the inputs, and the form comes up blank when it is revisited/refreshes. 我的问题是,Meteor不会自动将值保存在输入中,并且在重新访问/刷新时,该表单将变为空白。 I tried the below solution to store the data in a temporary document in a separate Mongo collection called "NewScreen", and then reference that document every time the template is (re)rendered to auto fill the form. 我尝试了以下解决方案,将数据存储在名为“ NewScreen”的单独的Mongo集合中的临时文档中,然后每次(重新)渲染模板以自动填写表单时,都引用该文档。 However, I keep getting an error that the element I'm trying to reference is "undefined". 但是,我一直收到一个错误,我要引用的元素是“未定义”。 The weird thing is that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 奇怪的是,有时它起作用,有时却不起作用。 I've tried setting a recursive setTimeout function, but on the times it fails, that doesn't work either. 我尝试设置一个递归setTimeout函数,但是在失败的时候,这也不起作用。 Any insight would be greatly appreciated. 任何见识将不胜感激。 Or, if I'm going about this all wrong, feel free to suggest a different approach: 或者,如果我要解决所有这些错误,请随时提出另一种方法:

Screens = new Meteor.Collection('screens') //where data will ultimately be stored
Forms = new Meteor.Collection('forms') //Meteor pulls form questions from here
NewScreen = new Meteor.Collection('newscreen') //temporary storage collection
Roles = new Meteor.Collection('roles'); //displays list of metadata about screens in a dashboard

//dynamic routing for unique instance of blank form
Router.route('/forms/:_id', {
  name: 'BlankForm',
  data: function(){ 
    return NewScreen.findOne({_id: this.params._id});

//onRendered function to pull data from NewScreen collection (this is where I get the error)
  var new_screen = NewScreen.findOne({_id: window.location.href.split('/')[window.location.href.split('/').length-1]})
  function do_work(){
    if(typeof new_screen === 'undefined'){
      Meteor.setTimeout(do_work, 100);
      $('input')[0].value = new_screen.first;
        $('textarea')[i].value = new_screen.answers[i];

//onChange event that updates the NewScreen document when user updates value of input in the form
'change [id="on-change"]': function(e, tmpl){
      var screen_data = [];
      var name = $('input')[0].value;
      for(i=0; i<$('textarea').length;i++){

      Session.set("updateNewScreen", this._id);

              answers: screen_data,
              first: name

If you get undefined that could mean findOne() did not find the newscreen with the Id that was passed in from the url. 如果undefined ,则可能意味着findOne()找不到包含从URL传递来的ID的新屏幕。 To investigate this, add an extra line like console.log(window.location.href.split('/')[window.location.href.split('/').length-1], JSON.stringify(new_screen)); 要对此进行调查,请添加一条额外的行,例如console.log(window.location.href.split('/')[window.location.href.split('/').length-1], JSON.stringify(new_screen)); This will give you both the Id from the url and the new_screen that was found. 这将为您提供URL中的ID和找到的new_screen。

I would recommend using Router.current().location.get().path instead of window.location.href since you use IR. 我建议您使用Router.current().location.get().path而不是window.location.href因为您使用IR。

And if you're looking for two way binding in the client, have a look at Viewmodel for Meteor . 如果您要在客户端中寻找两种方式的绑定,请查看Viewmodel for Meteor

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