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PHP htmlentities双重编码

[英]PHP htmlentities Double Encoding

I'm trying to save the contents of a WYSIWYG input into an Oracle database. 我正在尝试将所见即所得的输入内容保存到Oracle数据库中。 Here's what I'm using: 这是我正在使用的:

$data = htmlentities($_POST['data'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");

My expectation is that when I'm going to put John's as the value for the input, it will be saved on the database as John's , but instead it is being saved as John' 我的期望是,当我打算把John's作为输入值,它将被保存在数据库中的John's ,而是它被保存为John' .

To me it looks like a double HTML entity encoding issue. 在我看来,这似乎是双重HTML实体编码问题。

Can you help me fix this? 你能帮我解决这个问题吗?

Browsing through the documentation , I noticed that the last parameter is a boolean for double encoding. 浏览文档时 ,我注意到最后一个参数是用于双重编码的布尔值。

$data = htmlentities($_POST['data'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false);

did the trick. 做到了。

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