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python中的Webcam WebRTC

[英]Webcam WebRTC in python

I've been looking around but without much luck. 我一直在四处张望,但运气不佳。 I know that WebRTC is still largely an experiment but there are few to none working examples and they all seem to be related to nodejs, whereas the application I'm writing is in python. 我知道WebRTC仍然主要是一个实验,但几乎没有有效的示例,它们似乎都与nodejs有关,而我正在编写的应用程序是在python中。 Is it possible to achieve a webcamera chat in a python environment(flask, tornado, django, cherrypy, all fine with me)? 是否可以在python环境(烧瓶,龙卷风,django,cherrypy,对我来说都很好)中实现网络摄像头聊天?

There's some misunderstanding here. 这里有些误会。

WebRTC isn't an experiment - it is a real specification that is available today by two browsers already (Chrome and Firefox). WebRTC并不是实验,它是一个真正的规范,目前已经有两个浏览器(Chrome和Firefox)可以使用。 It has been adopted by virtually all the industry (only company I can think of who is still mum about it is Apple). 几乎所有行业都采用了它(我能想到的唯一一家公司是苹果公司)。

Being a browser technology, there's nothing barring you from using whatever technology in the backend that you wish. 作为浏览器技术,没有什么可以阻止您在后端使用任何技术。 Python is a good choice as any. Python是一个不错的选择。

Check this presentation for some information on how to fit WebRTC into a Python project. 检查此演示文稿,以获取有关如何将WebRTC装入Python项目的一些信息。

My own choice would be to go with Twisted . 我自己的选择是选择Twisted

You should 你应该

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