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通过API将Twilio语音响应设置为URL,而不是TwiML App

[英]Set Twilio Voice Response to URL rather than TwiML App via API

I am attempting to set the Twilio Voice URL via API as per the following SO question: 我尝试按照以下SO问题通过API设置Twilio语音URL:

Twilio: Update the Voice (or Message) URL via API? Twilio:通过API更新语音(或消息)URL吗?

However, when I do so, the voice response is still set to the TwiML App rather than the URL in my 'Manage Phone Numbers' page 但是,当我这样做时,语音响应仍设置为TwiML App,而不是“管理电话号码”页面中的URL。

How do I also configure the phone number to use the URL rather than TwiML App? 如何将电话号码配置为使用URL而不是TwiML App?

var accountSid = 'ACbc1cca15210666b7fcd7d4a95a309f6c';
var authToken = "{{ auth_token }}";
var client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);

    voiceUrl: "http://demo.twilio.com/docs/voice.xml",
    smsUrl: "http://demo.twilio.com/docs/sms.xml"
}, function(err, number) {

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