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[英]Return a ModelAndView with a List Object Simultaneously

I have a List of Managers that I need to return in my @Controller method. 我有一个需要在@Controller方法中返回的Managers列表。 I also have a User form view that I need to return simultaneously. 我也有一个用户表单视图,需要同时返回。 managerList is returned from a previous @Controller . managerList是从先前的@Controller返回的。 I may have been staring at this screen to long, it may not even make sense to do so, but can this be done? 我可能一直盯着这个屏幕很长时间,这样做可能甚至没有意义,但是可以这样做吗?

@RequestMapping(value = "/getuserForm", produces = "text/html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView returnUserForm(
            @ModelAttribute("managerList") List<Manager> managerList,
            Model model) {
        //how to include managerList
        return new ModelAndView("userForm");

Output would be a blank user form with a List of managers that say would be loaded into a select input. 输出将是带有管理者列表的空白用户表单,该列表显示将被加载到选择输入中。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? Thanks much 非常感谢

您可以使用public ModelAndView(String viewName, Map<String, ?> model) 。在模型中,您可以放置​​列表。

You can use the model map of the ModelAndView Object 您可以使用ModelAndView对象的模型图

try the below code 试试下面的代码

@RequestMapping(value = "/getuserForm", produces = "text/html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView returnUserForm(
        @ModelAttribute("managerList") List<Manager> managerList,
        Model model) {
    //how to include managerList
    ModelAndView mnv=  new ModelAndView("userForm");
    mnv.getModelMap().addAttribute("managerList", managerList);
    return mnv;
@RequestMapping(value = "/getuserForm", produces = "text/html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView returnUserForm(
        @ModelAttribute("managerList") List<Manager> managerList,
        Model model) {
    //how to include managerList
    model.addObject("managerList", managerList);
    ModelAndView mnv=  new ModelAndView("userForm");
    mnv.getModelMap().addAttribute("managerList", managerList);
    return mnv;

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