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<param> 下 <foreach> 不支持嵌套文件集元素

[英]<param> under <foreach> doesn't support nested fileset element

I am trying to perform a task that is supposed to iterate over a set of files. 我正在尝试执行应该迭代一组文件的任务。 For that I am using the foreach task from ant-contrib-0.3.jar . 为此,我使用了ant-contrib-0.3.jar中foreach任务。 The problem is that I am trying to pass (as param) to the target not the file path, but the file directory path. 问题是我试图将(作为参数)传递给目标,而不是文件路径,而是文件目录路径。

Here is the project: 这是项目:

<project basedir="../../../" name="do-report" default="copy-all-unzipped">
    <xmlproperty keeproot="false" file="implementation/xml/ant/text-odt-properties.xml"/>
    <!--    -->
    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties">
            <pathelement location="${path.infrastructure}/apache-ant-1.9.6/lib/ant-contrib-0.3.jar"/>
    <!--    -->
    <target name="copy-all-unzipped">
        <foreach target="copy-unzipped">
            <param name="file-path">
                <fileset dir="${path.unzipped}">
                    <include name="**/content.xml"/>
    <!--    -->
    <target name="copy-unzipped">

Running the script I am getting the following message: 运行脚本,我收到以下消息:


C:\\Users\\rmrd001\\git\\xslt-framework\\implementation\\xml\\ant\\text-odt-build.xml:13: param doesn't support the nested "fileset" element. C:\\ Users \\ rmrd001 \\ git \\ xslt-framework \\ implementation \\ xml \\ ant \\ text-odt-build.xml:13:param不支持嵌套的“ fileset”元素。

I can read in several places on the internet (such as axis.apache.org ) that param can have a nested fileset element. 我可以在Internet上的多个位置(例如axis.apache.org )上阅读到, param可以具有嵌套的fileset元素。

See http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/tasks/tasks/foreach.html for how to use foreach . 有关如何使用foreach请参见http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/tasks/tasks/foreach.html The param must be an attribute not a nested element: param必须是属性,而不是嵌套元素:

<target name="copy-all-unzipped">
    <foreach target="copy-unzipped" param="file-path">
        <fileset dir="${path.unzipped}">
            <include name="**/content.xml"/>

The example of <foreach> you link to is from the Apache Axis 1.x Ant tasks project. 链接到的<foreach>示例来自Apache Axis 1.x Ant任务项目。 This is a different <foreach> than the one from the Ant-Contrib project. 这与Ant-Contrib项目中的<foreach>不同。

As manouti says, the Ant-Contrib <foreach> doesn't support nested param elements. 正如manouti所说,Ant-Contrib <foreach>不支持嵌套的param元素。 Instead, the id of a <fileset> can be passed to the <target> and the <target> can reference the id . 相反,可以将<fileset>id传递给<target> ,而<target>可以引用该id

Or, you can use Ant-Contrib's <for> task (not " <foreach> ") which can call a <macrodef> ... 或者,您可以使用Ant-Contrib的<for>任务 (不是“ <foreach> ”),该任务可以调用<macrodef> ...

<target name="copy-all-unzipped">
    <for param="file">
            <fileset dir="${path.unzipped}">
                <include name="**/content.xml"/>
            <copy-unzipped file-path="@{file}"/>

<macrodef name="copy-unzipped">
    <attribute name="file-path"/>

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