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[英]Lazy Load doesn't wait for click to load images that are above the fold

I am currently using Lazy Load on an image heavy webpage, and I don't want the images to load until I click a button. 我目前在图像繁重的网页上使用延迟加载,并且我不希望在单击按钮之前加载图像。 Lazy Load allows you to have event triggers like this, but I can only make it partially work. 延迟加载允许您具有这样的事件触发器,但我只能使其部分起作用。

Images below the fold wait for a click to appear, but anything above the fold is loaded when the page is initially brought up. 折叠下方的图像等待出现单击,但是在最初启动页面时,折叠上方的任何内容都会被加载。 Is this something that cannot be prevented, or am I doing something wrong? 这是无法避免的,还是我做错了?

Below is the code I am using. 下面是我正在使用的代码。


  <script src="jquery.js"></script>
  <script src="jquery.lazyload.js"></script>

  <img src="blank.gif" class="lazy" data-original="image.png" style="height: 500px; width: 500px;">

       event : "click",
       effect : "fadeIn"


I think the problem is, that the click event is not bound to an html element, eg a button. 我认为问题是click事件未绑定到html元素(例如按钮)。 The plugin is not able to handle this out of the box. 插件无法立即解决此问题。

So, I would use another plugin (eg justlazy ), which is more suitable for your special use case. 因此,我将使用另一个插件(例如justlazy ),它更适合您的特殊用例。

 <body> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="justlazy.js"></script> <span data-src="default/image" data-alt="some alt text" title="some title" class="justlazy-placeholder"> </span> <script> $("#someButton").click(function() { $(".justlazy-placeholder").each(function() { Justlazy.lazyLoad(this); }); return false; }); </script> </body> 

The demo page of the plugin provides a lot of examples. 插件的演示页面提供了很多示例。

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