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[英]How to make a custom filter with radio buttons in AngularJS

I have multiple radio buttons, and I want to filter results coming from web API depending on the selected radio button. 我有多个radio按钮,我想根据选定的radio按钮过滤来自Web API的结果。


<div class="row">
    <div class="small-8 medium-9 large-10 columns">
        <ul class="no-bullet">
            <li data-ng-repeat="course in courses">
                <a href="#/CoursesWillStart/{{ course.ID }}">{{ course.CourseName }}</a>

    <div class="small-4 medium-3 large-2 columns">
        <ul class="no-bullet">
                <label><input type="radio" name="filterRadio" value="RadioAll" data-ng-model="filterRadio"  /> All</label>
                <label><input type="radio" name="filterRadio" value="RadioToday" data-ng-model="filterRadio" /> Today</label>
                <label><input type="radio" name="filterRadio" value="RadioThisWeek" data-ng-model="filterRadio" /> This Week</label>
                <label><input type="radio" name="filterRadio" value="RadioThisMonth" data-ng-model="filterRadio" /> This Month</label>
                <label><input type="radio" name="filterRadio" value="RadioSpecificDate" data-ng-model="filterRadio" /> Specific Date
                    <input type="date" name="from" data-ng-model="from" data-ng-show="filterRadio == 'RadioSpecificDate'" />
                    <input type="date" name="to" data-ng-model="to" data-ng-show="filterRadio == 'RadioSpecificDate'" />
                 <button class="my-button" data-ng-click="filterCourses(filterRadio)">Search</button>

Javascript (relevant) Javascript (相关)

myApp.controller('CoursesWillStartCtrl', ['$scope', 'GetCoursesWillStart',
function ($scope, GetCoursesWillStart) {

    $scope.filterRadio = 'RadioAll';

    $scope.filterCourses = function (filterRadio) {
        switch (filterRadio) {
            case 'RadioToday':

                $scope.courses = coursesStartToday();

            case 'RadioThisWeek':

                $scope.courses = coursesThisWeek();

            case 'RadioThisMonth':

                $scope.courses = coursesThisMonth();

            case 'RadioSpecificDate':

                $scope.courses = coursesInSpecificDate($scope.from, $scope.to);

            default:    //all
                $scope.courses = GetCoursesWillStart.query();



This is my first web application in Angular, and the above code is working, but I don't want to manipulate $scope.courses , so that the user don't have to get all courses after each filtering, and don't overuse the web API. 这是我在Angular中的第一个Web应用程序,上面的代码可以正常工作,但是我不想操纵$scope.courses ,这样用户不必在每次过滤后都获得所有课程,也不必过度使用网络API。

I think I should make a custom filter. 我想我应该做一个自定义过滤器。 I saw this tutorial , but I don't know how to make it for my requirements. 我看过本教程 ,但是我不知道如何满足我的要求。 So can someone show me how to make a custom filter -or if there is a better way- to do the filtering? 因此,有人可以告诉我如何制作自定义过滤器-或是否有更好的方法进行过滤?

I found this extremely useful link describing everything about filters. 我发现这个非常有用的链接描述了有关过滤器的所有内容。 My problem was that I couldn't read values from view to filter . 我的问题是我无法从视图读取值到过滤器

But Angular takes care of this, just like this 但是Angular会像这样

course in courses | filterByDate:filterRadio

Now I sent filterRadio to filter function as argument 现在我将filterRadio发送给filter函数作为参数

angular.module('myAppFilters', []).filter('filterByDate',
function () {
    return function (courses, filterRadio) {
         //Also, I removed the switch from controller and added it here    

Also, we can send multiple parameters from view like this: 同样,我们可以像这样从视图发送多个参数:

course in courses | filterByDate:filterRadio:from:to

Also an important feature in Angular is alias naming: Angular的另一个重要功能是别名命名:

course in courses | filterByDate:filterRadio:from:to as coursesFiltered

Now we can get it's length like this coursesFiltered.length 现在我们可以得到它的长度,就像这样的coursesFiltered.length

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