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[英]re-enter password for specific pages after user login

my app is developed in codeigniter. 我的应用程序是在Codeigniter中开发的。 What I am looking to do is to prompt the user to re-enter the password in order to access certain sections like edit profile, settings etc. 我要做的是提示用户重新输入密码,以访问某些部分,例如编辑配置文件,设置等。

My question is that if the user has signed up through facebook or twitter, how would I implement this functionality? 我的问题是,如果用户通过Facebook或Twitter注册,我将如何实现此功能?

Thanks 谢谢

https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/reauthentication/ https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/reauthentication/

Re-Authentication 重新认证
This when your app confirms a person's identity after checking previously. 当您的应用程序经过事先检查后确认一个人的身份时,将显示此信息。 With Facebook Login, your app asks a person to re-enter their Facebook password at any time. 使用Facebook登录名,您的应用程序会要求用户随时重新输入其Facebook密码。 You can use this to prevent cases where a user leaves a device logged in or where a third party hijacks someone's session with your app. 您可以使用它来防止用户留下设备登录或第三方劫持某人与您的应用进行会话的情况。

(The wording is a little off, but that's a direct quote from the FB docs.) (措辞有些偏离,但这是FB文档的直接引文。)

By adding the parameter auth_type=reauthenticate to your login dialog call, you can force users to re-enter their password before procedding. 通过将参数auth_type=reauthenticate添加到您的登录对话框调用中,可以强制用户在继续操作之前重新输入密码。

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