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Ruby on Rails中的字符串格式?

[英]String formatting in Ruby on Rails?

I have fields for street name, city, state and zipcode for User model, and I want to simply make a Google Map query with these values like 我有用户模型的街道名称,城市,州和邮政编码字段,我想简单地使用以下值进行Google Map查询,例如


so that I can open hyperlink it to the actual google map page. 这样我就可以打开超链接到实际的Google地图页面。 Now I am wondering how I can make these parameters into the format of your+query. 现在,我想知道如何将这些参数设置为您的+查询格式。 I want to know if I can do it in the template or controller and how I can pass those variables. 我想知道是否可以在模板或控制器中进行操作,以及如何传递这些变量。

You can use CGI.escape to URL-encode the query. 您可以使用CGI.escape对查询进行URL编码。 Here are the docs . 这是文档

"https://www.google.com/maps?q=#{CGI.escape params[:query]}"

Ruby includes the URI module which is the preferred way of manipulating URIs as it's aware of encoding: Ruby包括URI模块,这是处理URI的首选方式,因为它知道编码:

require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse('https://www.google.com/maps?q=your+query')
uri.query # => "q=your+query"

params = URI::decode_www_form(uri.query).to_h # => {"q"=>"your query"}
params['q'] = 'my query'
uri.query = URI::encode_www_form(params)

uri.to_s # => "https://www.google.com/maps?q=my+query"

Rails has a number of helpers for parsing and manipulating them though as that's what Rails is built around, so dig into your tutorial or book and take advantage of those. 尽管Rails就是基于Rails构建的,但Rails拥有许多用于解析和操纵它们的帮助程序,因此请深入研究您的教程或书籍并利用它们。

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