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[英]After Ajax call ,django not redirect given url?

I want to put loading image while saving data in database. 我想在将数据保存到数据库时放入图像。 So ,I Ajax call to do it. 所以,我Ajax打电话去做。 I use Django 1.8 and after put Ajax call Django not redirect default page after adding data successfully.I check data in save successfully and view.py method also run. 我使用Django 1.8,并在成功添加数据后将Ajax调用Django不重定向默认页面。我成功检查了保存中的数据并运行了view.py方法。

Before put Ajax call when I submit invalid data to forum and when submit it ,show validation errors.but now only view Ajax error message. 在我向论坛提交无效数据以及提交无效数据之前,请先进行Ajax调用,然后显示验证错误。但现在仅查看Ajax错误消息。


but after add ajax , now I enter submit without data didn't show above instruction(validation error). 但是添加ajax之后,现在我输入没有数据的提交没有显示以上指令(验证错误)。 I used Django default validation an they are defined model class when create form. 我使用了Django默认验证,当创建表单时它们是定义的模型类。

----------------keylist.html------------------------------ ---------------- keylist.html ------------------------------

{ % extends "base.html" %}
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}

{% block title %}
  {% if create %}Create{% else %}New Key{% endif %}Serious
{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}
      Create New Serial Keys
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
  {% if create %}
    {% url "marcador_key_create" as action_url %}
  {% else %}
    {% url "marcador_bookmark_search" pk=form.instance.pk as action_url %}
  {% endif %}
  <form action="{{ action_url }}" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" id="createForm" >
    {{ form|crispy }}
    {% csrf_token %}
    <div id="submit_loader"></div>
    <p> <b>Expiry Date*:</b>  <input type="date" id="datepicker" name="expier_date"></p>
    <p><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" value="Save"   id="save_button"> </p>


{% endblock %}

-------base.html (ajax method )------------------------------------- ------- base.html(ajax方法)------------------------------------ --

       // Attach a submit handler to the form
       $("#createForm").submit(function (event) {

             //var formData = new FormData($("#createForm")[0]);
             var serverUrl =$("#createForm").attr('action');

                        url: serverUrl,
                        type: 'POST',
                        data: $("#createForm").serialize(),

                        beforeSend: function() {
                       complete: function(){
                       success: function (returndata) {
                            alert("succsesfully generate keys");
                            //return false;
                       error: function(data){
                           alert("please ,check you fill form correctly");
               //return false;

---------view.py (calling method )---------------------------------- --------- view.py(调用方法)----------------------------------

def key_create(request):

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = KeyGenarateForm(data=request.POST)
        expier_date = request.POST['expier_date']
            form.is_valid= False;

        if form.is_valid():
             #request.POST._mutable = True
             Key_Gen = form.save(commit=False)
             return redirect('marcador_bookmark_user',username=request.user.username)
            print('form not valied')
            return render('marcador_bookmark_user',username=request.user.username)
        form = KeyGenarateForm()

    context = {'form': form, 'create_key': True}
    return render(request, 'marcador/key_genarate_form.html', context)

I test when I enter valid data and submit , every thing successfully , but didn't redirect my url.It show my old data in the field. 我测试了何时输入有效数据并成功提交了所有东西,但没有重定向我的URL,而是在字段中显示了我的旧数据。

As,I noticed view.py return method not loading. 作为,我注意到view.py返回方法未加载。

  return redirect('marcador_bookmark_user',username=request.user.username)

not execute. 不执行。

please , expect some expert help. 请,期待一些专家的帮助。

May be this will help you: 可能这会帮助您:

Instead of this redirection in views.py: 而不是在views.py中重定向:

return redirect('marcador_bookmark_user',username=request.user.username)

use this: 用这个:

return HttpResponse(json.dumps([{username=request.user.username}]),mimetype='text/json')

At last on ajax success function: 最后关于ajax的成功功能:

window.location.href = '/url-path'+data.username; 

(username will be a key inside the context named "data"). (用户名将是名为“ data”的上下文中的键)。

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