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[英]How can I login with an email created inside cpanel?

I created email inside cpanel. 我在cpanel中创建了电子邮件。 info@jegeachi.com . info@jegeachi.com I do some configuration by googling.But when I try to login it says: 我通过谷歌搜索进行了一些配置,但是当我尝试登录时说:

Choose Your Eamil address: 选择您的Eamil地址:


But I want to login as info@jegeachi.com and it should look like a gmail acount. 但是我想以info@jegeachi.com身份登录,它应该看起来像一个gmail帐户。 Any idea will be appreciated. 任何想法将不胜感激。

You have two ways (in my opinion): 您有两种方法(我认为):

  1. Buy a Google Apps Account, change your domain's MXs to point to Google Mail Server, login in Google Console and create your email info@jegeachi.com . 购买一个Google Apps帐户,更改您域的MX以指向Google Mail Server,登录Google控制台并创建您的电子邮件info@jegeachi.com
  2. Create a free Gmail Account ( info.jegeachi@gmail.com for example), login in Gmail, click settings 创建一个免费的Gmail帐户(例如, info.jegeachi@gmail.com ),登录Gmail,然后点击设置

点击设置 ,

click POP3 and 'Other accounts' and insert your cPanel address (vps.foo.bar), your email and password when prompted 单击POP3和“其他帐户”,然后在出现提示时插入您的cPanel地址(vps.foo.bar),您的电子邮件和密码

在此处输入图片说明 .

With the first way you use Gmail as mail server, in the second one you use Gmail as mail client. 第一种方法将Gmail用作邮件服务器,第二种方法将Gmail用作邮件客户端。

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