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[英]Failed to delete storage account in portal.azure.com

I deleted a Virtual Machine and its associated cloud service and virtual network but I can't delete its storage account. 我删除了虚拟机及其关联的云服务和虚拟网络,但我无法删除其存储帐户。

I got this error: 我收到了这个错误:

Failed to delete storage account messega. 无法删除存储帐户messega。 Unable to delete storage account 'messega': 无法删除存储帐户'messega':

'Storage account messega has some active image(s) and/or disk(s), eg messega-messega-os-1449504882530. '存储帐户messega有一些活动图像和/或磁盘,例如messega-messega-os-1449504882530。 Ensure these image(s) and/or disk(s) are removed before deleting this storage account.'. 在删除此存储帐户之前,请确保删除这些映像和/或磁盘。'。

I went to Storage accounts (classic)>>Services--Blobs>>Containers--vhds and tried to delete the storage container 'vhds': messega-messega-os-1449504882530 but I got this new error: 我去了存储帐户(经典)>>服务 - Blob >>容器 - vhds并试图删除存储容器'vhds':messega-messega-os-1449504882530但我收到了这个新错误:

Failed to delete storage container 'vhds'. 无法删除存储容器'vhds'。 Error: 'There is currently a lease on the container and no lease ID was specified in the request.' 错误:'当前存在容器租约,并且未在请求中指定租约ID。

删除磁盘可以通过以前版本的门户网站manage.windowsazure.com虚拟机 - >磁盘完成

It's a common error. 这是一个常见的错误。 Your vhd is in this storage account, that's why you can't remove it, without delete the vhd. 您的vhd在此存储帐户中,这就是为什么在不删除vhd的情况下无法将其删除的原因。

https://stackoverflow.com/a/10969013/1384539 https://stackoverflow.com/a/10969013/1384539

If lease on your .vhd keeps annoying you, you may use a tool than enables to break the lease such as Azure Management Studio or use code to break it : 如果您的.vhd上的租约一直让您烦恼,那么您可以使用一个工具而不是启用来破坏租约,例如Azure Management Studio或使用代码来破坏它:

        var azureStorageConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureStorage.ConnectionString"];
        var blobFileToDelete= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BlobFileToDelete.Name"];  

        var account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(azureStorageConnectionString);

        // Create the blob client using the Accounts above
        var client = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();
        // Retrieve reference to a previously created container
        // Rename "vhds" as needed.  Can be used to read from any container.
        var container = client.GetContainerReference("vhds");

        var blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobFileToDelete);

        if (blob.Properties.LeaseStatus==Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.LeaseStatus.Locked) 
                Console.WriteLine("Breaking leases on {0} blob.",blobFileToDelete); 
                // Create Timespan to allow the Lease to remain, in this case 1 second
                TimeSpan breakTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

                blob.BreakLease(breakTime, null, null, null); 
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully broken lease on {0} blob.",blobFileToDelete); 
            catch (StorageException ex ) 
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to break lease on {blobName} blob.", blobFileToDelete); 
            Console.WriteLine("The {0} blob's lease status is unlocked.", blobFileToDelete); 

Hopes this helps Best regards Stéphane 希望这有助于最好的问候Stéphane


I tried all these things with no luck. 我没有运气就尝试了所有这些事情。 The answer for me was to download http://storageexplorer.com/ and from this tool I was able to delete the necessary files. 我的答案是下载http://storageexplorer.com/ ,从这个工具我能够删除必要的文件。

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