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ESMTP Postfix Server-防止覆盖邮件ID

[英]ESMTP Postfix Server - prevent overriding Message-ID

in our CRM-System I have to identify every incoming E-Mail by the Message-ID, with that ID I can check if I already have a related E-Mail in the System. 在我们的CRM系统中,我必须通过消息ID识别每个传入的电子邮件,使用该ID可以检查系统中是否已经有相关的电子邮件。 Now, it seems that my Postfix Server every time overrides my generated Message-ID. 现在,似乎我的Postfix服务器每次都覆盖我生成的Message-ID。 Is there any configuration to prevent the server overriding the Message-ID ? 是否有任何配置可以防止服务器覆盖Message-ID?

I tested it with a google Account and the Google Server is not overriding the ID. 我使用google帐户进行了测试,并且Google Server未覆盖该ID。

By default, Postfix ONLY adds a message-id header when there's none. 默认情况下,Postfix仅在不存在时添加一个message-id标头。 Without seeing 不见

postconf -n

output it's hard to tell. 输出很难说。

There might be a header_checks entry that strips the Message-Id using a regular expression, but one wouldn't usually forget such a thing. 可能会有header_checks条目使用正则表达式剥离Message-Id,但通常不会忘记这种事情。

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