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[英]Morris.js shown not correctly

I have created a graph with morris.js but it isn't shown correctly. 我已经用morris.js创建了一个图形,但是显示不正确。


Here is my code 这是我的代码

initChart: function(){
          console.log('go! ');
          var graphchart = document.createElement('div');
          graphchart.style.height = '200px';
          graphchart.style.width = '500px';

          new Morris.Line({

            element: graphchart,
            data: [
              { y: '2006', a: 100, b: 90 ,c:50},
              { y: '2007', a: 75,  b: 65 ,c:50},
              { y: '2008', a: 50,  b: 40 ,c:50},
              { y: '2012', a: 100, b: 90 ,c:50}
            xkey: 'y',
            ykeys: ['a', 'b','c'],
            labels: ['Value1','Value2','Value3']
          this.fire('my-devicelist-chart-created',{graph: graphchart});

So what is the problem that i got an wrong graph? 那么我得到错误的图形是什么问题呢? My HTML implementation: 我的HTML实现:



    <div y-scroll fit id="myfirstchart">

      <paper-button on-tap="{{initStart}}">
        <core-icon icon="chevron-right" class="icon"></core-icon>



For all people with the same problem. 对于所有有同样问题的人。

resize: true

Helped me out. 帮助我。 Set it to true (default: false) when you create your Morris graph. 创建Morris图时,将其设置为true(默认值:false)。

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