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无法将图像推送到Docker Hub

[英]Unable to push image to docker hub

I have built a docker image and have committed the changes, and am attempting to push the image to my public docker hub account. 我已经构建了一个docker映像并提交了更改,并且正在尝试将该映像推送到我的公共docker hub帐户。

When attempting to push the image to the docker hub registry it seems to try utilise my hub username as a private server address. 尝试将映像推送到docker hub注册表时,似乎尝试将我的hub用户名用作私有服务器地址。

What i have done done so far is run a fedora base image, make my changes and then commit the changed using docker commit dd09de55abc9 username/fedora-23-httpd 到目前为止,我所做的是运行一个fedora基本映像,进行更改,然后使用docker commit dd09de55abc9 username/fedora-23-httpd提交更改。

When i do this and check the image using docker images i get the output: 当我这样做并使用docker images检查docker images我得到了输出:

# docker images
REPOSITORY                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
/username/fedora-23-httpd             latest              0b9b4d0b820e        21 seconds ago      468.5 MB

Then when running docker push username/fedora-23-httpd i get the message: 然后在运行docker push username/fedora-23-httpd收到消息:

The push refers to a repository [username/fedora-23-httpd] (len: 1)
unable to ping registry endpoint https://username/v0/
v2 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://username/v2/: dial tcp: lookup username: No address associated with hostname
 v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://username/v1/_ping: dial tcp: lookup username: No address associated with hostname

From other tutorials I have read my commands appear to be correct, but the output of the images command shows the repository name with a / at the start. 从其他教程中,我读到了我的命令似乎是正确的,但是images命令的输出在存储库名称的开头显示了/。

Can any one see what i'm doing wrong here? 有人可以看到我在做什么错吗?

从fedora 23安装中删除了默认docker版本-使用重新安装

wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh

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