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[英]Accessing dynamically created html elements from c# code behind

I am dynamically generating radio buttons for a list of questions, each question has at least 3 choices as answers. 我正在动态生成用于问题列表的单选按钮,每个问题至少有3个选择作为答案。 I generated the radio buttons in a div called questionsList but I can't access them or their fieldset... Here's my code 我在名为questionsList的div中生成了单选按钮,但是我无法访问它们或它们的字段集。这是我的代码

      _questions = Page.Form.FindControl("questionsList");

            foreach (Question q in _survey.Questions)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.QuestionEng))
                    List<Answers> answers = _blSurvey.GetAnswers(q.TypeOfQuestion);
                    string choiceItem = string.Empty;
                    foreach (Answers a in answers)
                        choiceItem += "<input type='radio' value='" + a.AnswerId + q.QuestionId +
                                      "' name='radio-choice-v-2' id='radio" + idCount +
                                      "' runat='server' /><label for='radio" + idCount++ +
                                      "' >" + a.AnswerEng + "</label>";
                    var question =
                        new LiteralControl(
                            "<form><fieldset runat='server' class='questions' data-role='controlgroup' ID ='question" +
                            q.QuestionId + "'>" +
                            "<legend runat='server'>" + ++index + ". " + q.QuestionEng + "</legend>" + choiceItem +


I tried to use FindControl() with the string question and the question's id since it is the IS I specified for the fieldset ( ID ='question" + q.QuestionId ) but it didn't work, I also tried to access any of the dynamically generated controls but I always get null. If my way of generating controls is incorrect, please tell me what is the best method to do so I am very new to asp.net. Thanks in advance. 我尝试将FindControl()与字符串问题和问题的ID一起使用,因为它是我为ID ='question" + q.QuestionId指定的IS( ID ='question" + q.QuestionId ),但是它没有用,我也尝试访问任何动态生成的控件,但我总是空值。如果我生成控件的方式不正确,请告诉我最好的方法是什么,因为我对asp.net还是陌生的。

I used a repeater and bound it to the questions list and the choices instead of generating the questions dynamically. 我使用了一个转发器,并将其绑定到问题列表和选项,而不是动态生成问题。

Like this 像这样

                        <div runat="server" id="questionsList" >
                            <asp:Repeater ID="rptQuestionsEng" runat="server" Visible="False">

                                    <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblQuestion" Text='<%# Bind("QuestionEng") %>'></asp:Label>
                                    <asp:RadioButtonList runat="server" ID="rblQuestionEng"

Code behind: 后面的代码:

            //To bound the questions
            rptQuestionsEng.DataSource = _survey.Questions;

            //To bound the choices
            protected void rpt_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
              if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item ||
               e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                 if (rblLanguage.SelectedValue.Equals("1"))
                    foreach (Question q in _survey.Questions)
                      q.answers = _blSurvey.GetAnswers(q.TypeOfQuestion);
                      var rbl = (RadioButtonList)e.Item.FindControl("rblQuestionEng");
                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.QuestionEng))
                        rbl.DataTextField = "AnswerEng";
                        rbl.DataValueField = "AnswerId";
                        rbl.DataSource = q.answers;

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