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我可以在进度条中显示 $timeout 值吗?

[英]Can I display $timeout value in progress bar?

I'm thinking about displaying the value of my $timeout to show the people when their time is up.我正在考虑显示我的$timeout的值,以在他们的时间到时向人们展示。 The problem is I can't find anything on the internet about it.问题是我在互联网上找不到任何关于它的信息。

So my question is...所以我的问题是...

Is it possible to show the value of your $timeout in a progress bar ?是否可以在进度条中显示$timeout

(I know that this is probably not a valid SO question, but I just want to know the answer.) (我知道这可能不是一个有效的 SO 问题,但我只想知道答案。)

If what you want is after starting a $timeout, find out how long it has left - then the answer is no .如果您想要的是在开始 $timeout 之后,找出它还剩下多长时间 - 那么答案是否定的

It is however a small difficulty, easily bypassed.然而,这是一个小困难,很容易绕过。

You can create a service that implements all functionality from $timeout and provides an extra function that returns you the time left,您可以创建一个实现$timeout所有功能的service ,并提供一个额外的函数来返回剩余时间,

Or the easier option that when providing the delay for your $timeout, save the time when you executed the $timeout and at any time you can compare it with new Date() and see how much time is left.或者更简单的选择是,在为 $timeout 提供延迟时,保存执行 $timeout 的时间,并随时可以将其与new Date()进行比较,看看还剩多少时间。

You can probably use a custom directive which can accept a number of timeout and the same number you can pass to your $timeout function.您可能可以使用自定义指令,该指令可以接受多个超时时间以及可以传递给$timeout函数的相同数量。

In this way you can achieve what you want.通过这种方式,您可以实现您想要的。

An available library: http://siddii.github.io/angular-timer/一个可用的库: http : //siddii.github.io/angular-timer/

I think you are probably searching for something like this:-我想你可能正在寻找这样的东西:-

$scope.count = 10000;
var now = new Date();
now = now.getTime();
var date_new;

function show (){
  $timeout(function() {
    date_new = new Date();
    date_new = date_new.getTime();
  }, $scope.count);

$scope.showTime = function () {

  if( date_new ) {
    var disable = $timeout(function() {
      now = new Date();
      now = now.getTime();
      $scope.showTiming = now - date_new;

      if ($scope.showTiming >= $scope.count) 

      }, 10, false);

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