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[英]Yii2 roles and users

Can I statically define roles in authManager (in defaultRoles array in config) and assign them to users so behavior rules define access to actions? 是否可以在authManager中静态定义角色(在config中的defaultRoles数组中)并将其分配给用户,以便行为规则定义对操作的访问权限?
As i have certain roles, I don't want to use auth_assignment and auth_item and ... 由于我具有某些角色,因此我不想使用auth_assignmentauth_item以及...
Assuming I create column in user table for role and every user has one role and roles are define in config file. 假设我在用户表中为角色创建了一个列,并且每个用户都有一个角色,并且角色在配置文件中定义。

In fact I want to build access rules like 'admin' for users who are admin (Where yii says '@' for authenticated user and '?' for guest). 实际上,我想为管理员用户建立访问规则,例如“ admin”(其中yii对已认证用户说“ @”,对来宾说“?”)。

First create your roles somewhere like params then behaviors function can manage authentication easily 首先在诸如params之类的地方创建角色,然后使用行为功能轻松管理身份验证

public function behaviors()
    return [
        'access' => [
            'class'  => AccessControl::className(),
            'except' => [''],//or only
            'rules'  => [
                    'allow'         => true,
                    'actions'       => ['deletepic', 'regenerate'],
                    'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
                        return (myAuth(['root','admin']));

myAuth() will check current user role and return true if they role match requested action. myAuth()将检查当前用户角色,如果他们的角色与请求的操作匹配,则返回true。

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