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[英]Use purescript-halogen (with pulp)

Following PureScript by Example , I'm using pulp for installing packages. 按照Example的PureScript进行操作之后 ,我使用纸浆来安装软件包。

Halogen requires virtual-dom as extra dependency. 卤素需要virtual-dom作为额外的依赖。 From the documentation and the example packages, it seems to me that adding it involves a bunch of build tools that I haven't used before ( gulp , webpack , bower , etc.). 从文档和示例包,在我看来,加入它涉及了一堆,我以前没有(用于生成工具gulpwebpackbower等)。 I downloaded the examples and tried to run them with npm install & npm run example but I got unknwon module errors. 我下载了示例,并尝试使用npm install & npm run example运行它们,但是出现unknwon module错误。

So, I'd like to know a minimal viable way to install halogen into a new pulp project (which hopefully doesn't require me to delve into the slew of build tools, or at least not for small projects). 因此,我想知道一种在新的pulp项目中安装卤素的最小可行方法(希望该方法不需要我研究大量的构建工具,或者至少不需要小型项目)。

我认为您应该能够使用pulp browserify --to some-file.js来构建它-在这种情况下存在Browserify选项,在这种情况下,您想从可能包含npm的CommonJS模块集合中生成单个JS文件。依赖性。

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